"'Tiny Hill' America's Biggest Band Leader"
Publicity photo of Tiny Hill leaning forward and looking up to the side while smiling. Hill is wearing a light colored jacket and tie. A caption reads...
Publicity photo of Tiny Hill leaning forward and looking up to the side while smiling. Hill is wearing a light colored jacket and tie. A caption reads...
Promotional photo of Ralph "Bud" Hunt and Earl "Spud" Bledsoe. "Bud" playing banjo and "Spud" playing guitar behind KMBC microphone. Both wearing...
Headshot of "Butch" Stone looking up and to the side while smiling. Stone is wearing a black tuxedo and bowtie.
Promotional photo of "Colorado" Pete wearing satin long-sleeve shirt with dark scarf and white cowboy hat. "To Irene one of the "Crouse Twins",...
George (Sandy) Cookingham dressed as cowboy in boots, hat, jeans, striped shirt, and suspenders stands in front of floral print couch in blue room.
L. Perry Cookingham in striped shirt sitting on blue couch in front of floral drapes with unidentified baby.
A "Hurdy-Gurdy" pianola jukebox advertising the film "Coney Island" at the Uptown Theater at 37th and Broadway, Kansas City, Mo.
Headshot of Joe Liggins leaning forward and smiling. Liggins is wearing a white suit and patterned tie.
"Korn's-a-Krackin" cast portrait. Back row, left to right: Jerry Asborn, Virgil Phillips, Ozark Red, George Rhodes, Slim Wilson, Buster Fellows, Faust...
"Ordonians" dance band on stage during a performance at an officer's club in India. Musicians shown include Frank Oakley sitting at the piano, Jimmy...
Tommy Dorsey, Buddy Rich, Red Skelton, and Eleanor Powell posed in a publicity shot for the film "Ship Ahoy." Dorsey is playing trombone while Rich...
Promotional photo of "Tex" Owens sitting on stool with Martin guitar in front of white peg-board wall behind "KMBC" microphone. Owens is wearing...
"Wingy" Manone singing into an overhead microphone while holding a trumpet in a studio. An unidentified clarinet player is in the background.
"Wingy" Manone standing behind a table with radio equipment holding one hand to his ear while looking forward. Manone is wearing a trench coat and...
"Wingy" Manone holding music in front of a microphone and smiling. Manone is wearing a dark suit and patterned tie.
"Wingy" Manone playing trumpet before an audience. Manone is standing on the stage in front of a chair and music stand, wearing a dark suit.
A group of 14 men lined up on stage for a photo; 13 are dressed as women. Actors from the play "Negroid Evolution" that Bettye Miller produced and...
Street's hotel and environs, 18th and Paseo; Kansas City, Missouri, with people walking on the sidewalks and cars parked along the street.
Paul Richter (V.P. TWA), L. Perry Cookingham, Frank Backstrom, unidentified Flight Attendant, Joseph Fennelly, Edward Harris, M. Duback, Reed McKinley...
An unidentified African American woman with her back to the photographer, reaches her left hand across the hood of a 1946 Mercury Sedan to reach her...
A photograph of a parked 1946 Mercury sedan with the driver's side door open. Two unidentified African American people, a man and a woman, are on the...
Harriette W. Cookingham and unidentified persons pose for group photo during celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Presidents and Past Presidents...
The 375th Army Service Forces Band (Buck Clayton, seated, far right) posing with all their instruments in New York.
Poster advertising the third annual Thanksgiving Day Matinee Dance sponsored by R.T. Coles Veterans Training School from 2PM to 6PM at Prospect Hall...
View east on 9th street looking toward Walnut. Fidelity Bank on right.