"Korn's-a-Krackin" cast portrait. Back row, left to right: Jerry Asborn, Virgil Phillips, Ozark Red, George Rhodes, Slim Wilson, Buster Fellows, Faust Matthews, Bob White, Speedy Junior Haworth. Middle row, left to right: Bill Matthews, Matt Matthews, Bill Hickman, Monty Matthews. Front row, left to right: Lou Black, Lennie Aleshire, Aunt Martha (Wilson), Pat Evans (Black), Corrine Stump (Black), Bill Ring. Front, on side: Goo-Goo Rutledge. Label on front bottom: ""Korn's-A-Krackin'" / Saturday Nights - MBS / A KWTO (Springfield, MO) Production." Image taken outside the radio station, Glenstone Street, Springfield, Mo.
Date Published
No date; likely between 1941 and 1954
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Extent Of Original
1 photograph : black and white print ; 21 x 26 cm
Member of
Source File
Physical Location
LaBudde Special Collections
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