Richard Bolling speaking with James Corman and unidentified woman
Richard Bolling speaking with James Corman and an unidentified woman for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left, resting...
Richard Bolling speaking with James Corman and an unidentified woman for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left, resting...
Richard Bolling speaking with Baker President James Edward Doty at Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas, as a guest of Pi Gamma Mu, Baker's...
Richard Bolling speaking with Joe Barr, former secretary of the Treasury Department, for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on...
Richard Bolling speaking with representative John Anderson for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left, looking at...
Richard Bolling speaking with John Holder of the American Banking Association for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the...
Richard Bolling speaking with Larry Wadsworth at a function in Kansas City, Missouri, with other unidentified people.
Richard Bolling speaking with Larry Wadsworth at a function in Kansas City, Missouri, with other unidentified people.
Richard Bolling speaking with FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right, laughing...
Richard Bolling speaking with Nicholas Thimmesch on the Newsday program for KCSD TV in Washington, D.C. Bolling is holding up both arms while talking.
Richard Bolling speaking with U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right, leaning...
Richard Bolling speaking with Richard Scammon for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right, smiling while talking.
Richard Bolling speaking with Commissioner of Social Security Robert Ball for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right...
Richard Bolling speaking with two unidentified men in Washington, D.C. Bolling is standing on the right and both men are looking at him.
Richard Bolling speaking with two unidentified African American women voters during an election campaign in Kansas City, Missouri. Bolling is looking...
Richard Bolling speaking with William Hutton for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the right and Hutton is talking.
Richard Bolling speaking with representative William Lacy "Bill" Clay for a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Bolling is sitting on the left...
Richard Bolling standing next to a construction site at 601 E. 12th Street for the dedication ceremony of the Bolling Federal Building in Kansas City...
Richard Bolling standing next to a construction site at 601 E. 12th Street for the dedication ceremony of the Bolling Federal Building in Kansas City...
Richard Bolling standing next to a construction site at 601 E. 12th Street for the dedication ceremony of the Bolling Federal Building in Kansas City...
Richard Bolling standing next to a construction site at 601 E. 12th Street for the dedication ceremony of the Bolling Federal Building in Kansas City...
Richard Bolling standing next to a construction site at 601 E. 12th Street for the dedication ceremony of the Bolling Federal Building in Kansas City...
Richard Bolling standing on construction beams at the construction site at 601 E. 12th Street during the dedication ceremony for the Bolling Federal...
Richard Bolling talking with his family during a KCSD TV program in Washington, D.C. Jim Bolling is sitting left of Richard and their three kids are...
Richard Bolling talking with Nancy Johnson and Reverend Charles J. Briscoe in front of Paseo Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, during...
Richard Bolling talking with Nancy Johnson and Reverend Charles J. Briscoe in front of Paseo Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, during...