Ted Malone with a crowd that attended his broadcast from the Edgar Allan Poe cottage
Ted Malone outside Poe Cottage in the Bronx, New York, with a group of people (white men and women) who attended the broadcast. Ted's eyes are closed.
Ted Malone outside Poe Cottage in the Bronx, New York, with a group of people (white men and women) who attended the broadcast. Ted's eyes are closed.
Ted Malone with a group of 23 white men and one white woman standing in a gallery during an overseas trip. Ted is fifth from the left.
Ted Malone sits with an unidentified group of nine white men and two white women. The woman in the center sits in a wicker chair. The man sitting on...
Ted Malone stands in the center of the back row wearing a white tuxedo with the 21 unidentified candidates for the Laurel Queen Festival.
A photograph of Ted Malone's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame with an two inset photographs of the front of the Brown Derby Restaurant, 1628 N. Vine...
Ted Malone, as a war correspondent, Capt. Worth of ATC and Major Robert McAndrews stand around a ABC microphone in full uniforms.
Ted Malone and Walt Fossa smile at each other wearing white tuxedo jackets, as they stand in front of a fireplace and behind two seated white women in...
Ted Malone and a group of white male journalists jokingly overwhelm the white male passport officer all at once wanting their passports approved...
Ted Malone wears an ABC pin on his lapel as he stands with two unidentified white men. The man in the center also wears an ABC pin.
Ted Malone sits on a chair between a bed and dresser with a window behind him and holds a book open on the bed with his right hand as he holds a NBC...
Ted Malone stands to the right of an unidentified white woman in traditional clothing in Holland.
Ted Malone sits at a table with an NBC microphone and a book lying open on it broadcasting in the living room of the Emily Dickinson's home. An...
Two unidentified white men lean up against a parked Renault 4CV in front of a line of six Renault 4CVs. Each car has a triangular flag on the corners...