Sam Woodyard playing drums
Sam Woodyard on drums with a fabric background; looking toward the right.
Sam Woodyard on drums with a fabric background; looking toward the right.
Set of four photos. Photo 1 shows guitarist Jeff Simon playing. Photo 2 is a group photo with Ed Dix on the left and Ron Rocio, David Johnson, and...
Joyce Taylor singing into a microphone and accompanied by pianist Terry Grover at the hospital Staff Awards Ceremony. Other instruments, including a...
Unidentified African American singer in sunglasses, a gray suit and holding a microphone in one hand during the Children's Mercy Hospital Annual...
Sipho Dunene playing drums; turned to the left.
Sonny Greer, Sidney "Big Sid" Catlett, Willie Smith, and Albert Casey, all recording artists for Capitol Records, standing around a drum set in Los...
Spoon Wilson, wearing a fedora and a sleeveless tank undershirt, grimaces as he plays a set of drums during the Kansas City, Kansas Street Blues...
Steve Mugalian, a member of the band Rod Piazza & Mighty Flyers, one of the national acts to perform at the Grand Emporium, intently looks to his left...
Sweet Baby Blues Band members performing (Ralph Penland, drums ; Nolan Smith, trumpet ; George Bohanon, trombone ; Jeff Clayton and Louis Taylor...
Ironman Harris at his drum set while below and to the side of him are seated Dinky Morris, Clora Bryant, and Curtis Peagler; Morris has his saxophone...
Terry Hughes playing drums with an unidentified white male trumpet player in a plaid jacket; the edge of McShann's shoulder and piano and be seen on...
Unidentified toddler seated at Ironman Harris' drum set and holding drumsticks; Harris is standing behind him; at the Jazz Showcase in Chicago.
Tommy Benford on drums in a practice room or studio; facing to the right.
Two unidentified white men in a recording studio, one behind a microphone with a mallet playing a glockenspiel that rests on a piano, the other...
A publicity photo for an unidentified white male drummer. The drummer is looking up and smiling while holding both drum sticks in the air.
Unidentified bald man, possibly acting as an emcee, on stage in front of a microphone and wearing a bright, pea green, jacket; various instruments are...
Long range shot from across the room of Jay McShann performing with Terry Hughes (drums), Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone), and Gerald Spaits (bass)...
Blues drummer and vocalist Willie "The Touch" Hayes purses his lips and looks over his left shoulder as he plays a drum set while wearing a dark...
Zutty Singleton sitting beside a drum set.