Mudbone, a band comprised of three African American men and one white man performing on stage.
Mudbone, a band comprised of three African American men and one white man performing on stage.
Mudbone, a band comprised of four white men and one African American man, sit in a room beside the corner pocket of a pool table.
Mudcat Blues Band, comprised of three white men and one African American man, sit, crouch, and stand by a rock wall. Printed in the margin below the...
Bassist Murali Coryell, holding a guitar on his lap; drummer Bill Foster, and drummer Rod Gross sit in front of him for the cover of the album titled...
Little Hatch smiles as he sits on a folding chair behind an amplifier and in front of speakers at BB's Lawnside BBQ for Provine "Little" Hatch's 80th...
Seven members of an orchestra playing in the upstairs room of the Mutual Musicians Foundation in Kansas City, Missouri; four saxophonists and three...
Musicians' Protective Union, Local 627 Headquarters, located at 1823 Highland; Kansas City, Missouri. Two unidentified African American men sit on the...
Myra Taylor sits in a wheelchair to the right of Bobby Watson. She holds her purse. Bobby has his left arm around her shoulders, is wearing a straw...
Myra Taylor is seated and laughing with her eyes closed while holding a microphone with her right hand and holding her left hand around the shoulder...
Harry Hypolite leans forward grinning over a seated Myra Taylor at the Blue Room in front of the bar, 18th & Vine.
Myra Taylor sits and performs with a bass player and an unidentified couple behind her at Knuckleheads Lounge on the occasion of her 89th birthday.
Myra Taylor sings with the Curtyse Foster Band at an unidentified venue in Kansas City. Farthest to the left Bunnie "Bumps" Love smiles to her right...
Myra Taylor wearing a fur lined cap and eyeglasses hanging from a necklace around her neck smiles with her hand around the shoulder of a seated Lionel...
Group shot of Sam Johnson, farthest left, Ahmad Alaadeen (third from right), Pearl Thuston (second from right), Luqman Hamza (far right), Myra Taylor...
Blues musician Nappy Brown smiles at the photographer as he holds a cigarette up with his left hand. He wears a flat cap and a leather jacket. Printed...
Nappy Brown, with a bandage on his middle finger on his right hand and a clock ring on this left hand, makes crazy eyes as he sings into a microphone...
Portrait of Nat Pierce and Billy Taylor embracing outside. Pierce has a lit cigarette in one hand. Both looking at the camera.
Nate Turner, blues guitarist, bass player, and singer, looks toward his right shoulder at the camera with his mouth open in a circle. He wears a...
Nate Williams, basketball player for the KC Kings, interacting with a young white boy patient at Children's Mercy Hospital. Williams is holding the...
Zydeco accordion player Nathan Williams rests his hand over the edge of the keyboard on an accordion that rests on his lap as he smiles at the camera...
Zydeco accordionist Nathan Williams wears designer sunglasses and a light cowboy hat as he holds the keyboard of an accordion up by his face in a...
Nathaniel Muhammad (Honorable Elijah Muhammad's son), Muhammad Shabazz, John Muhammad (Honorable Elijah Muhammad's brother), stand arm in arm in the...
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of four African American men, and one white man, standing outside in a half circle with all of...
Natty Nation, a reggae and roots music band comprised of five African American men, stand in front of a brick wall and mug for the camera. Printed in...
A portrait photograph of an African American male US Naval Officer.