26 - 31 of 31 items

St Deiniol's Church interior


St Deiniol's Church interior in Hawarden, Wales. A photograph from the nave toward the altar. Lines of pews are on each side of the aisle. A chandelier hangs over each set of pews. Arches on pillars...

Date Published
1865 to 1870

St. Maclou


A view of the Gothic-style Church of Saint-Maclou in Rouen, France, from Place Barthélémy. This view is the west façade in which a rose window opens behind one of the gables above a bay. In front of...

Date Published
1891 to 1900

Stone of Annunciation


The Stone of Annunciation in the Holy Sepulchre Church in Jerusalem has eight incense burners hanging over it. Very tall and large candlesticks grace each side of the stone.

Date Published
1891 to 1900

West portal of the Rouen Cathedral


A panoramic view of the west portal, showing Tower Saint-Romain (left) and Tower Beurre (right), of the Rouen Cathedral in Rouen, France. The three bays of the portals are surmounted by openwork...