Crew laying tracks
Crew laying track for the Chicago and North Western Railway Company's Nelson-Peoria Branch near Buda, Illinois. The men seem to be largely white and a few women are seen around the periphery of...
Passengers in a chair car
Passengers (white men, women, and children) seated in a chair car of the 4400 Series of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. A white male rail worker is standing at the end of the car...
Passengers in a coach car
White men and women passengers seated in a coach car on a Kansas City / American Royal Zephyr at night. The car is lighted and at the front a man hands a woman a cigarette across the aisle.
Passengers on an observation card deck
A group of seven white men and women seat on an outside deck of an observation car of the 4400 Series of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway Company. One woman is standing and waving at the...
Passengers seated on a Zephyr's Dome-Parlor observation car
A group of white women and men seated on a Kansas City Zephyrs, Dome-Parlor-Observation Car. One woman is coming down a set of stairs at the end of the car.
View from outside of passengers seated in the Vista-Dome car
View from outside the Burlington Kansas City Zephyr's Vista-Dome car at night. Several passengers are seen seated in the dome. "Silver Garden" is on the side of the train.