1 - 25 of 33 items

An unidentified man with George Myers during toga night


An unidentified African American man wearing a toga and a headband, laughs as he stands next to George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, wearing a blue toga made of Grand Emporium promotional...

Date Published

George Myers and an unidentified woman


George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, wears Grand Emporium apparel as a toga he puts his arm around an unidentified white woman in a teal dress during toga night aboard the Ultimate Rhythm...

Date Published

George Myers and an unidentified woman


George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, wears Grand Emporium apparel as a toga and he puts his arm around an unidentified white woman in a teal dress during toga night aboard the Ultimate...

Date Published

George Myers and Roger Naber


George Myers and Roger Naber, co-owners of the Grand Emporium, stand together and smile at the camera during the National Blues Contest in Memphis, Tennessee. They each wears a different version of a...

Date Published

George Myers and Roger Naber


George Myers and Roger Naber, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work...

Date Published

George Myers and Roger Naber


George Myers and Roger Naber, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work...

Date Published

George Myers and Tiny Tim at the Grand Emporium


George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, leans his hand on the back of a chair as he looks down at a seated Tiny Tim from his right side at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. An...

Date Published

George Myers talking to a cruise passenger


George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, points up as he speaks with an unidentified African American woman on the Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise I. Other cruise passengers are visible in...

Date Published

George Myers, Speedy Huggins, and an unidentified woman


George Myers, part owner of the Grand Emporium, wears a blue toga made of Grand Emporium clothing, motions toward Speedy Huggins who siting in a chair wearing a toga and a headband. Next to Speedy an...

Date Published

Roger Naber and George Myers


Roger Naber and George Myers, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work...

Date Published

Roger Naber and George Myers


Roger Naber and George Myers, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work...

Date Published

Roger Naber and George Myers


George Myers and Roger Naber, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work...

Date Published