George Myers and Roger Naber, partners in ownership of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri, holding a "Promotion of the Year" award between them from the Blues Foundation for their work organizing the 1994 Ultimate Rhythm and Blues Cruise. They stand in front of a wall in Grand Emporium signed by the many performers who performed there and a signed and framed poster promoting the Ultimate Rhythm & Blues Cruise II of a guitar floating on a body water. George wears an Ultimate Rhythm & Blues Cruise t-shirt and Roger wears a Grand Emporium t-shirt.
Date Published
Time Periods
Subjects, Geographic
No date; likely 1995
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Extent Of Original
1 photograph : color print ; 11 x 16 cm
Member of
Source File
Physical Location
LaBudde Special Collections
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