Anders Osborne
Anders Osborne, Swedish-American blues-rock singer and guitarist, laughs as he sits among fellow musicians, three white men, one African American man, and one white woman, in a living room. Printed in...
Baaba Maal
Baaba Maal, a Senegalese singer, guitar player, and percussionist, who sings mostly in the language of Pulaar, bends over looking down while playing a percussion instrument. Other members of the band...
Big Dave and the Ultrasonics
Big Dave and the Ultrasonics, a blues band comprised of six white men, stand or sit in front of a wall with graffiti painted on it. One holds a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Big...
Bill Hawks, Darryl Hawkins, Clifton Major, and Tommy Crab
Bill Hawks, Darryl Hawkins, Clifton Major, and Tommy Crab stand outside an unkempt building with glass block windows and look at the camera while wearing sunglasses. The man farthest to the left holds...
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs, a three piece Americana band comprised of two white men and an Asian American man (possibly), stand holding their instruments. Billy Bacon stands on his upright...
Billy Lee Riley and the Original Little Green Men
Billy Lee Riley and the Original Little Green Men, a rockabilly band comprised of four white men, grin as they sit, stand or crouch in a corner. One band member sits on a bass drum case. Another rests...
Blue City Band performing
Four members of the five member Blue City Band, a blues band comprised of three white men and two African American men, perform in a tent. Farthest to the left is David Tims playing the drums and...
Bottle Rockets
Bottle Rockets, a rock-and-roll band comprised of four white men, lean against a brick wall. The second man holds an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bottle Rockets. East...
Brother Red
Brother Red, a trio of one African American man and two white men, lean over the keyboard of a Hammond B3 organ. Don Michael "Red" Young has his fingers on the keys, while Kenny Sara to the left...
Buckwheat Zydeco
Buckwheat Zydeco, zydeco accordion player and singer, plays an accordion and sings into a microphone on a stage with five other African American zydeco instrumentalists or an electric bass guitar, a...
Buddy Guy with Howard and the White Boys
Blues guitarist Buddy Guy with Howard and the White Boys, a blues band comprised of three white men and one African American man, in a four-way split photograph of the group performing with Buddy Guy...
Cotton Candy and So Many Men
Cotton Candy & So Many Men, a blues band from Kansas City comprised of one African American woman, one African American man, and four white men, sit on or in front of a tile wall in front of a...
Crying Rhinos
The Crying Rhinos, a local Kansas City punk rock band comprised of four white men, in a collage of four photographs of each band member playing an instrument. Printed in the margin below the...
Darrell Nulisch and the Crawl
Darrell Nulisch, blues harmonica player and singer, stands center stage at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri and lifts his left hand toward the ceiling and holds a microphone to his mouth...
Debbie Davies Band
Debbie Davies Band, a blues band comprised of one white woman and two white men, stand in front of a draped backdrop and laugh. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Alan Hager. Debbie Davies...
Deke Dickerson
Rockabilly guitarist Deke Dickerson stands holding two guitars whose bodies are resting at his feet and he steadies them by the necks. Three women sit and lie around his feet with 7" records and...
The Dynatones, a band comprised of two African American men, four white men, and one Latino man, stand on a set of stairs. One man holds an electric guitar and wears a fedora hat. A man in front holds...
Fenton Robinson
Blues guitar player and vocalist Fenton Robinson stands center stage in front of the drum set as he and a band of three African American men play on the stage at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City...
Fernando Jones' Blues Kids of America
Blues guitarist Fernando Jones stands in the center of many children during the Fernando Jones' Blues Kids of America, Ltd. in two photographs. in the upper photograph, Fernando plays an electric...
Ian Moore
Bukka Allen, Chris White, Ian Moore, and Michael Villegas sit together and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Ian Moore. Capricorn, 2205 State Street, Nashville...
James Harmon Band
James Harmon Band, a blues band comprised of four white men, stand on stage wearing business suits as they perform. Printed on the drum, "James Harman Band, the Dangerous Gentlemen."
Jo Shannon and Muddy Waters
Jo Shannon smokes a cigarette as she stands outside next to blues musician Muddy Waters, as he steps out of the passenger side of a Chevrolet Custom Deluxe 10 Suburban SUV backstage at an unidentified...
Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival (1993)
A collage of three photographs capturing scenes from the 1993 Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival held on the Liberty Memorial north lawn in front of Union Station. The top left photograph is a...
Kim Lenz and the Jaguars
Kim Lenz and the Jaguars, a rockabilly band comprised of one white woman and three white men, stand on stage playing their instruments and Kim also sings into a microphone. Printed in the margin below...
Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, in a photograph taken from an angle from the floor up to where they are standing, holding their instruments. Printed in the...