Junior Watson
Blues vocalist and guitarist Junior Watson looks up at the camera slightly to his left, as he plays a Gibson, Les Paul model, electric guitar. He wears a light colored business suit and printed...
Junior Watson and Lynwood Slum
Junior Watson, blues guitarist and singer, and Lynwood Slum, blues harmonica player and singer, stand outside, side by side, and look seriously at the camera with a brick wall behind them in a close...
Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival (1993)
A collage of three photographs capturing scenes from the 1993 Kansas City Blues and Jazz Festival held on the Liberty Memorial north lawn in front of Union Station. The top left photograph is a...
Kelley Hunt
Kelley Hunt, a blues pianist and singer, from her left side, opens her mouth wide to sing into a microphone in a close-up, head-shot photograph.
Kelley Hunt
Kelley Hunt, a blues pianist and singer from Kansas City, Missouri, from her left side, opens her mouth wide to sing into a microphone in a close-up, head-shot photograph.
Kelly Richey
Blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Kelly Richey looks forward in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "The Kelly Richey Band. Sweet Lucy Records [logo]."...
Kenny 'Blue' Ray
Blues guitarist and vocalist Kenny 'Blue' Ray looks forward as he plays an electric guitar while wearing a cowboy hat, sunglasses, and a bolo tie. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kenny...
Kenny Brown
Blues guitarist Kenny Brown looks down at the neck of a guitar he is playing. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kenny Brown. P.O. Box 270, Nesbit, MS 38651, 601-429-0615." Printed in the...
Kenny Neal
Kenny Neal, blues guitarist and harmonica player, smiles at the camera as he holds the neck of a guitar in an close-up photograph. He wears a dark cowboy hat with a braided leather hatband.
Kenny Neal
Kenny Neal, a blues musician who sings, and plays piano, harmonica, and guitar, sits and embraces an electric guitar that is standing up right in his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Kenny Neal
Kenny Neal, a blues musician who sings, and plays piano, harmonica, and guitar, sits with an lap steel guitar lying across his lap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kenny Neal. Photo...
Kenny Wayne Shepherd
Blues and rock guitarist and vocalist Kenny Wayne Shepherd looks directly at the camera as he hugs an electric guitar to his body. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kenny Wayne Shepherd...
Kent Duchaine
Blues guitarist and vocalist Kent Duchaine sits on a railroad track resting a resonator guitar on his lap as he plays it with a slide. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "4214 Nicoleet So...
Kid Ramos
Electric blues and blues-rock guitarist and vocalist Kid Ramos crosses his arms and looks seriously at the camera as he stands between two sets of cactus in a close-up photograph. Printed in the...
Kim Lenz
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Kim Lenz stands with her mouth wide open as a guitar hangs from a strap around her neck. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kim Lenz. Hightone Records, 220...
Kim Lenz and the Jaguars
Kim Lenz and the Jaguars, a rockabilly band comprised of one white woman and three white men, stand on stage playing their instruments and Kim also sings into a microphone. Printed in the margin below...
Kimberly "KC" Allison
Kimberly "KC" Allison, blues guitarist, leans her face toward the neck of a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kimberly "KC" Allison, www.kimberlyallison.com, 1-800-593-2083...
Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, in a photograph taken from an angle from the floor up to where they are standing, holding their instruments. Printed in the...
Kinsey Report
The Kinsey Report, a blues band comprised of three African American men, sit outside in front of a concrete wall with the number 42 painted on the support. Each member holds an instrument. Printed in...
Kipori "Baby Wolf" Woods
Kipori "Baby Wolf" Woods, a blues guitarist and singer from New Orleans, Louisiana, closes his eyes and grimaces with his chin lifted high as he plays an electric guitar. House of the Blues is hanging...
Kris Wiley
Blues guitarist and singer Kris Wiley crouches down to the floor while holding an electric guitar and looks directly at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Kris Wiley. JSP Records...
Lance Lopez
Lance Lopez, guitarist, closes his eyes and leans back as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lance Lopez. Www.lancelopez.com, www.lancelopezband.com."
Lance Lopez
Lance Lopez, guitarist, looks straight at the camera as he holds an electric guitar by the neck and the body. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Lance Lopez. Www.lancelopez.com, www...
Larry Davis
Blues guitarist and vocalist Larry Davis laughs as he holds a guitar and stands behind a microphone He wears a three-piece pin-stripe suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Photo by Jim O...
Larry Davis
Blues guitarist and vocalist Larry Davis laughs as he stands behind a microphone playing a guitar. He wears a three piece pinstripe business suit. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Larry...