Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison stands in a doorway with his arms crossed over the body of an electric guitar. He wears a cowboy hat, a vest over a light-colored shirt. Printed below the...
Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison sits holding an electric guitar as he smiles up at the photographer. Printed below the photograph in the bottom margin, "Record Label: Tone-Cool Records, 6...
Bernard Allison
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison sits holding an electric guitar as he smiles up at the photographer. Printed below the photograph in the bottom margin, "Record Label: Ruf Records, America...
Bernard Allison playing guitar in the street; outside the Grand Emporium
Blues guitarist and vocalist Bernard Allison grinning and playing guitar in the street outside the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. He wears a double-breasted suit and a dark cowboy hat with...
Bernie Pearl
Bernie Pearl, a blues guitarist, plays a resonator guitar as he looks directly at the camera wearing a Hawaiian print shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bernie Pearl. (213) 426-0761."
Big Bad Smitty
Big Bad Smitty, blues guitarist and singer, sits holding an electric guitar by the neck and between his legs. He looks seriously at the camera. An amplifier is behind him on the left. Printed in the...
Big Daddy Kinsey
Big Daddy Kinsey, blues singer, guitarist, and harmonica player, holds a guitar that is across his chest, in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a dark business suit and a light colored hat...
Big Daddy Kinsey
Big Daddy Kinsey, blues singer, guitarist, and harmonica player, holds the neck of a guitar in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bookings: Tom Gold Agency...
Big Dave and the Ultrasonics
Big Dave and the Ultrasonics, a blues band comprised of six white men, stand or sit in front of a wall with graffiti painted on it. One holds a guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Big...
Big G
Blues guitarist Big G, [Garrett Jacobson] closes his eyes as he plays an electric guitar as he stands next to an amplifier. He wears a cowboy hat.
Big Jack Johnson
Blues guitarist Big Jack Johnson smiles and closes his eyes as he plays a guitar he holds in his lap. He wears a light-colored flat cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "M.C. Records...
Big Jack Johnson
Blues guitarist Big Jack Johnson closes his eyes and lifts his chin as he plays a guitar. He wears a vertically striped headband and a athletic jacket. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "M.C...
Big Joe Turner
Big Joe Turner, blues guitarist from Jackson, Tennessee, looks to the right as he plays an electric guitar. He wears a straw fedora hat, aviator glasses, and a t-shirt with an outline of himself...
Bill Hawks, Darryl Hawkins, Clifton Major, and Tommy Crab
Bill Hawks, Darryl Hawkins, Clifton Major, and Tommy Crab stand outside an unkempt building with glass block windows and look at the camera while wearing sunglasses. The man farthest to the left holds...
Bill Kirchen
Rockabilly guitarist and vocalist Bill Kirchen smiles as he holds an electric guitar high on his chest in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a string tie. Printed in the margin below the...
Bill Perry
Bill Perry, an African American male blues guitarist, looks directly at the camera with a slight smile face in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bill Perry...
Bill Perry
Blues guitarist Bill Perry looks down in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bill Perry. pointblank [logo]." Printed in the right margin, "Photo Credit: John...
Bill Perry
Blues guitarist Bill Perry looks to the right as he stands behind a microphone playing an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bill Perry. pointblank [logo]." Printed in the...
Bill Wharton
Blues guitarist, singer, and cook Bill Wharton leans to the side and plays a resonator guitar that he holds neck straight up, while a pot boils on a table full of vegetables in front of him. Printed...
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs
Billy Bacon and the Forbidden Pigs, a three piece Americana band comprised of two white men and an Asian American man (possibly), stand holding their instruments. Billy Bacon stands on his upright...
Billy Lee Riley
Billy Lee Riley, rockabilly singer, guitarist, and harmonica player, turns his head to the left and rests his chin on the curled fingers of his right hand in a close-up, head-shot photograph. Printed...
Billy Lee Riley
Billy Lee Riley, rockabilly singer, guitarist, and harmonica player, looks seriously into the camera as he holds a harmonica with both hands and wears a fedora hat cocked to the side in a close-up...
Billy Lee Riley
Rockabilly vocalist and guitarist Billy Lee Riley sits sideways on a chair that is outside, crosses his legs, and holds a drink in his right hand and the neck of an electric guitar in his left. The...
Billy Lee Riley and the Original Little Green Men
Billy Lee Riley and the Original Little Green Men, a rockabilly band comprised of four white men, grin as they sit, stand or crouch in a corner. One band member sits on a bass drum case. Another rests...
Bob Margolin
Blues guitarist Bob Margolin sits looks directly at the camera while playing an electric guitar. He wears sunglasses. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Bob Margolin. Booking: Piedmont...