Eddie C. Campbell "King of the Jungle"
Blues guitarist Eddie C. Campbell "King of the Jungle" stands at a microphone with his mouth opened to sing while playing an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Rooster Blues...
Eddie Henderson
Jazz trumpet player Eddie Henderson smiles and looks to his right as he holds a trumpet. He's wearing a hooded shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Eddie Henderson. Promotion and...
Eddie Shaw
Eddie Shaw, Chicago blues saxophone player and singer, performs on the Grand Emporium stage in Kansas City, Missouri with two unidentified African American men; one playing electric guitar and one...
Eddie Shaw
Eddie Shaw, blues saxophone player, lifts his right knee and closes his eyes as he plays a tenor saxophone. He wears a vest over a button-down shirt. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Eddie...
Eddie Shaw and "The Wolf Gang"
Eddie Shaw, blues saxophone player and singer, smiles at the camera as he stands and holds two saxophones. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Eddie Shaw and "The Wolf Gang." Colt Recording...
Eddie Shaw and the Wolf Gang
Eddie Shaw, blues saxophonist, closes his eyes as he opens his mouth wide in a close-up photograph from his right side. He holds two saxophones; one under his right arm and one across his body from...
Eddy Clearwater
Blues guitarist and vocalist Eddy Clearwater smiles as he hugs his guitar to his chest. He wears a light colored cowboy hat with a metal band and a cowboy shirt with fringe on the yokes. Printed in...
Elliott Threatt
Elliott Threatt, a local Kansas City comedian, holds the lapels of his business suit jacket and looks inquisitively at the camera in a close-up, head-shot photograph. He wears a bolo tie. Printed in...
Eric Gales
Blues-rock guitarist Eric Gales sits and looks to his left. He wears a backwards ball cap. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Nightbird Records [logo]. Eric Gales, That's What I Am. 2001 M.C...
Les Exodus, a reggae band from Minnesota comprised of four African American men, who stand with their arms crossed and look seriously at the camera. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Fenton Robinson
Blues guitar player and vocalist Fenton Robinson stands center stage in front of the drum set as he and a band of three African American men play on the stage at the Grand Emporium in Kansas City...
Fernando Jones
Blues guitarist Fernando Jones stands with his legs wide apart in front of a backdrop wearing a zoot suit with a fedora hat as he plays an electric guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph,...
Fernando Jones' Blues Kids of America
Blues guitarist Fernando Jones stands in the center of many children during the Fernando Jones' Blues Kids of America, Ltd. in two photographs. in the upper photograph, Fernando plays an electric...
Fernest Arceneaux
Fernest Arceneaux, wearing sunglasses, plays the accordion and sings into a microphone. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Fernest Arcenaux."
Fernest Arceneaux and the Thunders
Fernest Arceneaux and the Thunders, a zydeco, Cajun music band of five African American men and one white man, perform on the stage of the Grand Emporium in Kansas City, Missouri. Fernest plays an...
Finger Roll
Jazz duo Finger Roll (Thomas Dawson Jr., and Dennis Nelson) stand together as Dennis Nelson holds an acoustic guitar. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Thomas Dawson Jr, Dennis Nelson...
Five Blind Boys of Alabama Featuring Clarence Fountain
The Five Blind Boys of Alabama Featuring Clarence Fountain, stand in front of the pipes of an organ and open their mouths to sing. A hand of each member is lying on the shoulder of another member in...
Flattyre and the Blowouts
Flattyre and the Blowouts, a band comprised of four white men and one African American man, stand in a line, arm-in-arm, in front of a brick wall with a door in it. Printed in the margin below the...
Frank Frost
Frank Frost, blues harmonica player and singer, closes his eyes as he sings into a microphone as he holds a harmonica in both hands. Frank plays in the blues band, The Jelly Roll Kings. Printed in the...
Frankie Lee
Blues singer Frankie Lee in a split panel of two photographs. In the photograph on the left, he leans his face on his right fist. In the right photograph, he makes a fist with his right hand and bends...
Frankie Lee performing in crowd at the Grand Emporium
Frankie Lee, a blues, R&B, and soul singer, stands down on the dance floor among the audience, with his mouth wide open as he sings into a microphone he is holding while performing at the Grand...
Freekbass, a funk metal band comprised of four white men and one African American man, stand in a lobby while Freekbass holds a custom electric bass and wears sunglasses and a cowboy hat. Printed in...
Fruteland Jackson
Blues guitarist Fruteland Jackson stands in front of damaged louvered doors and a wooden fence. He wears a newsboy cap and an overcoat over overalls and a plaid shirt. He holds a blues guitar by the...
Fruteland Jackson
Blues guitarist Fruteland Jackson stands in front of a wall with peeling paint wearing sunglasses and a newsboy cap. He holds an acoustic guitar by the neck with both hands. Printed in the margin...
Garaj Mahal
Garaj Mahal, a jazz-fusion ensemble comprised of three white men and one African American man, stand outside. A factory smokestack is behind them. Printed in the margin below the photograph, "Blue...