Ahmad Alaadeen and another saxophone player perform at Charlie Parker's gravesite
Ahmad Alaadeen plays the alto saxophone outdoors by Charlie Parker's gravesite with a white man playing a tenor saxophone behind and to his right. A crowd of mostly white men and women and one African...
Band playing for Claude "Fiddler" Williams birthday party
Claude "Fiddler" Williams stands on one side of the stage with his back to the camera while Joe Wilder stands on the opposite side of the stage holding his trumpet down by his side. The unidentified...
Band warms up
In Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin Café, 8047 Agnes, Detroit, Michigan (8045 Agnes), Marcus Belgrave, trumpet, faces away from the camera and obscures Dan Pliskow, double bass, as the...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams enjoying himself in the Blue Room
Claude "Fiddler" Williams sits at a table on the lower level of the Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in the 18th and Vine District of Kansas City, Missouri on the left side of the photograph with...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams entertains patrons
Claude "Fiddler" Williams, from behind the stage, stands and plays his fiddle as he performs for patrons at round tables with white tablecloths. There are only beverages on the tables. An unidentified...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams looks down at his table in the Blue Room
Claude "Fiddler" Williams looks down at something on the table he is sitting at in the Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in the 18th and Vine District of Kansas City, Missouri, on the occasion of...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams performs for students
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams listen to an unidentified white female fiddler play with an unidentified white female...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams performs for students
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams perform with an unidentified white female double bass player and a seated white male jazz...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams performs for students
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams perform with another, white female, fiddler, and a double bass player completely obscured...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams performs with the band behind him and audience in front of him
In a photograph from the side of the stage at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, Claude "Fiddler" Williams stands on the edge of the stage playing his fiddle and facing the...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams signs an autograph at his 93rd birthday celebration
Claude "Fiddler" Williams signs his autograph on a white bowler hat with a black hatband for an unidentified man who stands next to the table in the Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in Kansas...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams speaks as he performs for students
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams speak into a microphone as an unidentifed white female fiddler player and double bass...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams speaks as he performs with a string band
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams speak as an unidentifed white female fiddle player and double bass player, and an...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams speaks into the microphone
African American and white students sit in rows of chairs in an auditorium watching Claude "Fiddler" Williams speak as an unidentifed white female fiddle player and double bass player, and an...
From the side of the stage, Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends toward and enthusiastic audience
In a photograph from the side of the stage, at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, Claude "Fiddler" Williams bends toward the audience on the edge of the stage playing his...
Gerald Dunn, Tyrone Clark, and Chris Clarke play inside a performance tent
Lisa Henry, jazz singer, is mostly out of the left side of the photograph clapping her hands to the music of Gerald Dunn playing the tenor saxophone, Tyrone Clark playing the double bass, and Chris...
Richard Ross smiles at the audience as he performs with a band at the Levee
Richard Ross stands and smiles out at the audience at the Levee Bar & Grill on 43rd Street in Kansas City, Missouri, as he performs with an unidentified drummer, double bass player, and a keyboard...