Band warms up
In Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin Café, 8047 Agnes, Detroit, Michigan (8045 Agnes), Marcus Belgrave, trumpet, faces away from the camera and obscures Dan Pliskow, double bass, as the...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams sits with the audience at an event
Claude "Fiddler" Williams sits at a table on the farthest left side of the photograph. A pink and blue rabbit head wearing a bow tie is a picture hanging on the wall to his left. The audience, facing...
Claude "Fiddler" Williams' trio entertains at a café
Claude "Fiddler" Williams, fiddle, and Spencer Barefield, jazz guitar, sit beside Dan Pliskow, double bass, as they perform from the corner of a barista bar, Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the...
Dan Pliskow and Spencer Barefield perform in a barista bar
Dan Pliskow, double bass, sits on a tall stool and plucks the string of his bass as he sits next to a baby grand piano that has no lid in a barista bar, Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin...
Marcus Belgrave and Claude "Fiddler" Williams have a cheerful greeting
Marcus Belgrave, trumpet, laughs as he put his left arm around the shoulders of Claude "Fiddler" Williams, who is also laughing as they stand just inside the open doorway. Both wear fedoras and...
Spencer Barefield and Claude "Fiddler" Williams prepare to perform
Spencer Barefield, jazz guitarist, looks seriously at a piece of music from his music stand that he holds in his hands, as he sits in a barista bar, Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin Café...