Claude "Fiddler" Williams plays with Luqman Hamza and Rusty Tucker
On the left side of the photograph at an unidentified venue, possibly the Mutual Musicians Foundation, Musicians Local 627, in Kansas City, Missouri, 18th and Vine district, of wood paneled walls and...
Rusty Tucker of the Scamps at the Blue Room
Rusty Tucker, trumpet, of the Scamps, stands in front of the piano to speak into a microphone on the stage at the Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in the 18th and Vine District of Kansas City...
Scamps are prepared to perform in the Blue Room
The Scamps are on stage of the Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in the 18th and Vine District of Kansas City, Missouri. Arthur Jackson, saxophone, sits in the curve of the baby grand piano. Eddie...
Scamps perform in the Blue Room
The Scamps (Luqman Hamza playing piano, Arthur Jackson and Eddie Saunders holding saxophones and talking to each other, Rusty Tucker holding a trumpet and smiling at the camera, and Lucky Wesley...