Mexican American woman and a Mexican American man smile at the camera
A Mexican American woman wearing black and Mexican American man wears a black striped business suit with a red necktie stand together and smile at the camera at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City...
Mexican American woman and two Mexican American teenage girls
Two Mexican American teenage girls stand on either side of a Mexican American woman at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. The girl on the left wears a purple blouse with a floral pattern. The...
Mexican American woman speaks during the Customer Service Awards event
A Mexican American woman, Rose Vest, speaks from behind a lectern during the Community Service Awards event. A plaque on the front of the lectern says, "The Central Exchange." A group of Mexican...
Mexican American woman speaks from a podium
A Mexican American woman stands behind a table with a podium atop it and speaks into a microphone at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event at the Hilton Plaza Inn in Kansas City, Missouri. One...
Mexican American woman speaks from the lectern
Elvira Valenzuela Crocker, MANA National President, a Mexican American woman speaks from a lectern that has The Women's City Club printed on the front at unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A banner...
Mexican American woman speaks to an audience during a MANA de Kansas City event
A Mexican American woman speaks into a microphone on a podium that she stands behind at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. A stage with green drapes is behind her. A banner hangs on the drapes...
Mexican American women and children at an outdoor MANA de Kansas City event
Three Mexican American women, one sitting at a craft table, are outdoors at a MANA de Kansas City event. A Mexican American boy and a Mexican American girl are on the other side of the table. The boy...
Mexican American women and children make crafts together
Mexican American women stand outside at tables at a festival with Mexican American children helping them make crafts at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event.
Mexican American women and children make crafts together
Mexican American women stand at a table with Mexican American children beside them helping them make crafts at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event.
Mexican American women and men enjoy a holiday meal together
Older Mexican American men and women sit at a long table and eat a meal together at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol. The woman farthest to the left wears a name tag...
Mexican American women and one African American woman work on their posters
Unidentified groups of Mexican American women and one African American woman, Precious Felton, work on posters on their tables at an unknown event at the Kaufmann Foundation.
Mexican American women and one Mexican American man in a classroom
Two Mexican American women and one Mexican American man wearing name tags sit together at a table in a classroom of Mexican American women sitting at long tables all listening to someone who is out of...
Mexican American women and one Mexican American man in a classroom
Three Mexican American women and one Mexican American man wearing name tags sit together at a table in a classroom of Mexican American women sitting at long tables listening at an unidentified MANA de...
Mexican American women circle around the retirees during a Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees
Many Mexican American women walk in a line around the Mexican American retirees seated at tables Posada del Sol Christmas party for retirees while holding pieces of paper in a room decorated for...
Mexican American women in a classroom
A Mexican American woman, Esther Valladolid Wolf, stands and listens in front of Mexican American women sitting at long tables in a classroom.
Mexican American women make their way through the buffet line
Mexican American women make their way through a buffet line at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol.
Mexican American women make their way through the buffet line
Mexican American women make their way through a buffet at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol. Mary Lou Jaramillo holds a glass above the punch bowl. The woman farthest...
Mexican American women meet an unidentified event
An unidentified Mexican American woman leans her elbow on the podium and looks away from the camera as two seated Mexican American female audience members listen at an unknown event at the Kaufmann...
Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
A large group of Mexican American women stand in the front of a room with a seated audience and a Christmas tree behind them as they perform from sheets of paper they hold in their hands at an...
Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Several Mexican American women perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event by standing in front of a Christmas tree and reading from sheets of paper at Posada del Sol. Dina Castro is...
Mexican American women perform at a MANA de Kansas City holiday event
Eight Mexican American women perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event by reading and/or singing from sheets of paper as they stand in front of a Christmas tree at Posada del Sol...
Mexican American women perform during a holiday event
Many Mexican American women read from sheets of paper as they perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event. Dina Castro stands third from the left side of the photograph. Then Phyllis...
Mexican American women perform during a MANA de Kansas City event
Many Mexican American women read from sheets of paper as they perform at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol. A Christmas tree is behind them and the table in front of...
Mexican American women read from sheets of paper at a holiday event
A large group of Mexican American women stand behind a table with a Santa Claus as a centerpiece and in front of a Christmas tree reading from sheets of paper they hold in their hands at Posada del...
Mexican American women stand in an auditorium during a MANA de Kansas City event
Six Mexican American women stand in an auditorium smiling and one is clapping at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. To the left side an African American man speaks with an Mexican American...