Three Mexican American women and one Mexican American man wearing name tags sit together at a table in a classroom of Mexican American women sitting at long tables listening at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. One woman at the table is gesturing and talking to the ladies at the long tables. Pieces of paper on the wall behind the instructors read words that build self-esteem, "Easy to get along with--nice person, gorgeous, intelligent, "Cool" person, wonderful, a good sends of humor, pretty hair, smart, beautiful, pretty nails, charming, neat person, pretty eyes, beautiful smile." Pepsi cans are on the instructors' table.
Date Published
No date; likely 1980s
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Extent Of Original
1 photograph : color print ; 11 x 16 cm
Member of
Source File
Physical Location
LaBudde Special Collections
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