Man speaking at Sacred Heart during the Hispanic Family in the Year 2000: Parents in Action event
An African Mexican American man stands in the front of Sacred Heart Hall and speaks into a microphone he is holding during the Hispanic Family in the Year 2000: Parents in Action event in Kansas City...
Man speaking during a MANA de Kansas City event
A Mexican American man stands behind and speaks into a microphone as he puts his arm on the shoulder of the Mexican American woman to his left during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. Three other...
Man speaking during a MANA de Kansas City event
A Mexican American man stands behind and speaks into a microphone during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. A Mexican American woman stands to the right. Two Mexican American women, Mary Estrada on...
Man waving as he leaves Herrera's Tenderloin Grill
A man waves as he goes out the door of Herrera's Tenderloin Grill, a restaurant at 900 Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri, a blurred photograph. Mexican American men and women sit eating at...
MANA chapter presidents
MANA Chapter Presidents stand six in the back row and sit three in front for a group photograph in Washington, DC in 1989. The woman seated farthest to the left of the photograph is Mary Lou Jaramillo...
MANA de Kansas City banquet
A Mexican American woman speaks into a microphone attached to a podium that sits atop a table while five other Mexican American women sit or stand behind the table at an unidentified MANA banquet...
MANA de Kansas City booth
Two Mexican American women talk inside the MANA de Kansas City booth at possibly Fiesta Hispana on Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri. Four Mexican American men stand in a group together...
MANA de Kansas City booth
Two Mexican American women talk across the MANA de Kansas City booth wall at, possibly, Fiesta Hispana, on Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri as another Mexican American woman and Mexican...
MANA de Kansas City booth
Two Mexican American women talk outside of a MANA de Kansas City booth at possibly Fiesta Hispana on Southwest Boulevard in Kansas City, Missouri. Two Mexican American women inside the booth lean in...
MANA de Kansas City booth during the Hispanic Heritage Week festival
Mexican American children line up in an outdoor booth that is sponsored by MANA de Kansas City during the Hispanic Heritage Week festival. There are fountains behind the booth. A man stands outside...
MANA de Kansas City event in a diner
Mexican American women sit in a diner while a white woman stands in profile looking to the left and a Mexican American man leans against a support post during an unknown MANA de Kansas City event. One...
MANA de Kansas City holiday event photographed from above
A MANA de Kansas City holiday event at Posada del Sol photographed from above shows a large group of Mexican American women (one holding a baby) standing around a table with a Christmas tablecloth and...
MANA de Kansas City installation 1990
Seven Mexican American women stand in a business office during the MANA de Kansas City Installation Service. Other Mexican American men and women look on. The woman farthest to the right is Freda...
MANA de Kansas City participants in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas on Hispanic Day on the Hill
A large group of Mexican American women who belong the MANA de Kansas City and participated in the Hispanic Day on the Hill stand together in elevated rows for a photograph in a room in the Kansas...
MANA de Kansas City participants in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas on Hispanic Day on the Hill
A large group of Mexican American women who belong the MANA de Kansas City and participated in the Hispanic Day on the Hill stand together in elevated rows for a photograph in a room in the Kansas...
MANA de Kansas City participants in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas on Hispanic Day on the Hill
A large group of Mexican American women who belong the MANA de Kansas City and participated in the Hispanic Day on the Hill stand together in elevated rows for a photograph in a room in the Kansas...
MANA de Kansas City Presidents Honor Roll plaque during a MANA de Kansas City event
Photo of the Presidents Honor Roll plaque for MANA de Kansas City with individual name tags for each name.
MANA members walking behind a banner during a parade
A group of Mexican American women walk down the street during a parade at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Three young women in the front hold up and walk behind a MANA de Kansas City...
MANA members walking behind a banner during a parade
A group of Mexican American women walk down the street during a parade at an unidentified MANA de Kansas City event. Three young women in the front hold up and walk behind a MANA de Kansas City...
Many people crowd into a room in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas on Hispanic Day on the Hill
Mexican American women, men, and teenage girls sit, stand and visit in a large room in the Kansas Capitol building in Topeka, Kansas Hispanic Day on the Hill. There is a large circular bannister in...
Many people eating in Manny's restaurant during a Mother's Day celebration
Many Mexican Americans sit around tables and in booths at a Kansas City, Missouri restaurant called Manny's during a Mother's Day celebration.
Many women sit and stand around a circular dining table during the community services awards event for MANA de Kansas City
Four Mexican American women are standing behind a round dining table. Two are trying to talk to each other even though they are separated and bend toward each other as if they may not be able to hear...
Maria Antonia speaks at an event
Maria Antonia, a Cuban American female KMBC Channel 9 television news anchor, rests her hand on her hip as she is speaking to tables of seated Mexican American women at an unknown event at the...
Maria Antonia speaks at an event
Maria Antonia, a Cuban American female KMBC Channel 9 television news anchor, spreads her arms wide as she is speaking at unknown event at the Kaufmann Foundation.
Maria Antonio, Dr. Agapito Mendoza, and Sonia Rosario at Teenage Pregnancy 2000
Maria Antonio, a Cuban American female television journalist, Dr. Agapito Mendoza, a Mexican American man, and Sonia Rosario, a Mexican American woman, smile at the camera in a close-up photograph...