Mexican American children line up in an outdoor booth that is sponsored by MANA de Kansas City during the Hispanic Heritage Week festival. There are fountains behind the booth. A man stands outside the booth on the left. There is one Mexican American woman at the booth and a child size basketball goal. A banner hangs in the back of the booth that reads, "MANA. Mexican American women's national [association]. Kansas City, [Missouri]."
Date Published
September 1987
Handwritten note on back in green ink, "Fiesta Hispana 9/88." ; Handwritten note at top of photo album page, "Fiesta Hispana, Sept 1987 [1988 marked through].
Digitizing agency: University of Missouri--Kansas City. Library. Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde Special Collections.
Extent Of Original
1 photograph : color print ; 8 x 13 cm
Member of
Source File
Physical Location
LaBudde Special Collections
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