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Kate Clinton signing an autograph for two fans


Kate Clinton bent over signing an autograph for two unidentified white women looking on at Phoenix Books. An unidentified beared white man is seen in the background.

Date Published

Margie Adam about to sign an album


Margie Adam about to sign an album for an unidentified white woman wearing a Clinton-Gore t-shirt at the "Best Friends of Phoenix" Benefit Brunch at the Unicorn Theatre.

Date Published

Margie Adam speaking with a woman


Margie Adam speaking with an unidentified white woman in a "Clinton / Gore" t-shirt before signing her album at the "Best Friends of Phoenix" Benefit Brunch at the Unicorn Theatre.

Date Published

Signing an autograph


Margie Adam speaking with hand raised to an unidentified white woman to her left and about to autograph and album for her at the "Best Friends of Phoenix" Benefit Brunch at the Unicorn Theatre. Other...

Date Published