Anne Shelley at Phoenix Books
Anne Shelley leaning against the counter during Women's History Celebration at Phoenix Books; two unidentified white women and an unidentified bearded white man are seen behind her.
Anne Shelley leading the community picnic parade
Anne Shelley and another, unidentified, white woman leading the community picnic parade; she is holding a handmade sign reading "Vote" and is turned to the side and waving. Others seen behind her.
Anne Shelley speaking
Anne Shelley speaking into a microphone with other women entertainers looking on, including one woman with keyboards; at Phoenix Books' grand opening. Jori Costello is seated on a stool on Shelley's...
Around the cash box
A group of five white women, including Anne Shelley and Cheryl Berge, around a table with a cash box for donations or tickets at the Flirtations' visit to Phoenix Books; at least two unidentified...
Art vendor's booth
An unidentified white woman in a hat looking around an artist's booth under a red and white striped awning at Out in Westport; two unidentified white men can also be seen.
At Phoenix Books' counter
Two unidentified women (one African American, the other white) standing at the counter at Phoenix Books; two other white women are behind the counter and the arm of another woman is also in the...
At Phoenix Books' new location
Unidentified white women in Phoenix Books; one group of three are having a discussion; two others seen by themselves; Black and champagne colored balloons are seen.
At the community picnic
Five unidentified white women at the picnic set up under an awning, two in lawn chairs the other three on the ground; other picnickers (overwhelmingly white) can be seen in a shaded area including a...
At the grand opening of Phoenix Books
A group of four unidentified white women standing together, laughing; with another group seen behind them; at Phoenix Books' grand opening.
At the grand opening of Phoenix Books
A group of nine white women (unidentified except for Jori Costello in the blue tie-dyed shirt next to the coffee maker), all but two seated, at Phoenix Books' grand opening.
At the grand opening of Phoenix Books
Unidentified white woman in a brightly colored sweater and glasses standing by an unidentified white man in a pink shirt at Phoenix Books' grand opening.
At the point of sale at Phoenix Books
Cheryl Berge and an unidentified white women at the point of sale counter at Phoenix Books' grand opening; above them is a hand-lettered sign warning all that "This store is protected by Thelma and...
Audience at Phoenix Books
Group of unidentified white women gathered at Phoenix Books listening to an unseen speaker or performer; photo taken from the front of the gathering looking out over them; book shelves and balloons...
Behind the sales counter at Phoenix Books
Photo of behind the sales counter taken from the side at Phoenix Books' grand opening; several white women are seen, with Linda Wilson on the left.
Black History Month book sale table at Phoenix Books
Anne Shelley standing behind a table labeled "Black History Month Book Sale" from Phoenix Books; sign with Phoenix Books' logo standing beside the table.
Book signing
Unidentified white male author seated at a circular table signing a book for an unidentified white woman who is handing him a second book; two signs above and to their left read "Gift & cards" and "We...
Booth selling t-shirts at Out in Westport
Vendor booth with an awning, rainbow flag and t-shirts to sell at Out in Westport; staffed by an unidentified white wpman and unidentified African American woman. An unidentified white man and African...
Brenda Washington interviewing Anne Shelley
Brenda Washington, Channel 9 (KMBC) reporter, conducting interview with Anne Shelley; also seen is camera man Rick Wheaton from behind and another unidentified blonde white woman along with a crowd of...
Building the LGCCKC float
Putting the LGCCKC pride parade float together in a parking lot with the KCPT tower seen behind them; shown are Jim Giles, Deanna Andrew, Brian Riegel, and one other unidentified white woman.
Busy day at Phoenix Books
Three white women working at Phoenix Books; one is behind a stack of books looking at the camera with another beside her looking down at something while Linda Wilson is behind them with headphones on...
Busy day at Phoenix Books
Photo taken from behind the counter at the Women's History Celebration at Phoenix Books; balloons and several unidentified white women are seen in the store and behind the counter are Kris Winegar and...
By the periodicals rack at Phoenix Books
Two unidentified white women standing near the periodicals rack at Phoenix Books.
Camera man checks his equipment
Fox 4 News cameraman (white man) at the LGCCKCs grand opening checking his camera; Mary O'Donoghue is seen in the background.
Carol Smith and Joyce Constant playing guitar and singing
Carol Smith and Joyce Constant singing and playing guitars in front of microphones at Phoenix Books; an unidentified white woman, possibly Cheryl Berge, behind them; above them is a banner advertising...
Carol Smith at the keyboard
Carol Smith seated at a Kurzweil electronic keyboard in front of a number of microphones at Phoenix Books.