P. boarding helicopter for flight to top of glacier - Skagway
L. Perry in blue jacket standing outside helicopter with two women with ear protection.
P. dressed for Halloween
L. Perry Cookingham dressed in western wear with false glasses and nose stands in living room.
P. on patio with Red Stripped T Shirt
L. Perry Cookingham in red and black striped shirt seated on white chair on a shaded patio.
P. to P Press Conference
Abott Washington, L. Perry Cookingham, Eddie Egan, and General Alfred Greunther seated in conference room.
P. to P Press Conference N.Y
Mr. Fisher, Eddie Egan, and Alfred Gruenther standing after press conference talking.
Painters Picket + LPC
L. Perry Cookingham in hat, suit, and tie stands on sidewalk next to a unidentified man with a protest sign.
Panorama of Rio from Christ the Redeemer Monument
L Perry in suit and tie stands next to Harriette in dark dress with group of unidentified people at the observation platform at the base of Christ the Redeemer statue. City of Rio de Janeiro can be...
Park in Oslo
Cobblestone court in front of the National Theater with statue of Ibsen. Theatercafeen is seen across the street.
Parks & Recreation officials
Group of people (including Dave Olson) pose for group photo at Harriette W. Cookingham's funeral.
Part of Central Industrial Dist. flooded
Aerial shot of the conjunction of the Kaw and Missouri rivers showing the flooded West Bottoms.
Part of wall around city of Visby
View of green field and medieval rock wall and towers that surround the city of Visby
Party at K.C. Club
Noel Wood, Mrs. Arthur Eisenhower, L. Perry Cookingham, Mrs. Wood, Harriette W. Cookingham, Mrs. Dubois and Arthur Eisenhower all formally dressed sit at table at K.C. Club banquet room.
Party for delegation
L. Perry Cookingham and Harriette W. Cookingham sit with group of unidentified men at table. Group includes men with musical instruments.
Party for Romberg
L. Perry Cookingham, Harriette W. Cookingham, Sigmund Romberg and Mr./Mrs. Brick Wornall all in formal wear pose for photo in unidentified location.
Paseo Bridge Opening - Clay Co Court
Four members of the Clay County Court posing at unknown location during Paseo Bridge grand opening.
Paseo Bridge Opening - Sen Morgan
Senator Morgan giving a speech behind a lecture decorated with red, white, and blue buntings at the ceremonies for the Paseo Bridge opening. Other unidentified men sit around him.
Paseo Bridge Opening. Archbishop O'Hara
Group of men standing heads bowed as Archbishop O'Hara stands at lectern decorated with red, white, and blue for the Paseo Bridge opening.
Pat Roberts Secy to Dick Berger
Pat Roberts in yellow shawl and blue and white striped dress outside at unknown location.
Patten, Hatcher, Hoff - With filters on camera
Thomas Patten, Melvin Hatcher, and Clarence Hoff in suits and ties sitting around coffee table in wood paneled room.
Paul Reaume, L. Perry Cookingham, and Dr. Edwin Stene sit at conference table
Paul Reaume, L. Perry Cookingham, Dr. Edwin Stene, and unidentified white man sit at conference table.
Penny Singleton publicity photo
Penny Singleton wearing a dark shirt with lace collar.
People at my 95th B/D in my old Office on 29th Floor CH
L. Perry Cookingham sitting at his old desk in the City managers office for his 95th birthday.
People in various colorful costumes
People in various colorful costume.
People to People group on tour of Mexico
L. Perry Cookingham, Harriette W. Cookingham sit with group of People to People delegation to Mexico