Fiore in Action sans Shirt
Roland Fiore shirtless, conducting an orchestra.
Fire fighters with hoses and fire trucks training hoses on flooded buildings
Fire fighters with hoses and fire trucks training hoses on flooded buildings.
Firefighters waist deep in flood water using firehose to battle fire
Firefighters waist deep in flood water using firehose to battle fire.
Firemen waist deep in water
Firemen waist deep in water battling a oil tank fire in the West Bottoms.
First HWC fellow UMKC
Kevin Kelly first HWC fellow at UMKC stands next to seated L. Perry Cookingham.
First night of K.C.I. dedication ceremonies
L. Perry Cookingham and Harriette W. Cookingham pose for photo with Councilman Capra and 4 unidentified men at KCI Dedication.
First visit to Saginaw after leaving
Irma Foele, L. Perry Cookingham, and Carl Peterson (Saginaw City Manager) standing talking. First visit to Saginaw after leaving.
Fitzpatricks, Florence Record, Panamanian Ambassador
Mrs. Fitzpatrick in grey, Florence Record in cream with blue necktie, unidentified Panamanian Ambassador in suit and time, and Francis Fitzpatrick in suit jacket and sweater stand on patio of Saddle...
Fjord from church yard
View of fjord from unidentified church yard showing tombstones, valley, and tree covered mountains.
Fjord in Norway
View of fjord with green fields, tree lined mountains, and cloudy sky.
Fjord in Norway
View of fjord in Norway showing water and tree covered mountains.
Fjord Norway
View of fjord with green fields, tree lined mountains, and cloudy sky.
Flood wall, Central Industrial District, MO
Photo of flood wall looking west from shoreline of the Missouri River of the West Bottoms, buildings and smokestacks of the Central Industrial District can be seen in the background.
Flooded Buildings on Fire
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms, 1951 flood.
Flooded Buildings on Fire
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms, 1951 flood.
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms, 1951 flood.
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms, 1951 flood
Flooded buildings on fire in the West Bottoms, 1951 flood.
Flooded gas station
Flooded gas station and dead livestock in the aftermath of 1951 flood.
Flooded West Bottoms with just the tops of train cars showing above water
Flooded West Bottoms with just the tops of train cars showing above water.
Floodwaters from the Kansas River flowing over the top of the flood wall into the Missouri River
View west along the right bank of the Missouri River showing floodwaters from the Kansas River flowing over the top of the flood wall into the Missouri River. The Inter-city Viaduct is shown crossing...
Flowering trees in yard of 809 W. 69th St., Kansas City, MO
Flowering trees in yard of 809 W. 69th St., Kansas City, MO.
Floyd Turbo or is it LPC F.W. 1960
L. Perry Cookingham wearing plaid jacket and turtle neck standing out in his backyard in Fort Worth.
Folly Theater
Exterior front view of Folly Theater at the northwest corner of 12th and Central, 300 W 12th St.
Folly Theater
Exterior view of Folly Theater's front doors at the northwest corner of 12th and Central, 300 W 12th St.
Folly Theater 13th + central N.W Cor
Exterior view of Folly Theater at the northwest corner of 12th and Central, 300 W 12th St.