Coley Worth
Coley Worth in dark jacket, striped shirt, and white pants stand in front of backdrop on stage.
Collapsed wall of building and subsiding flood water in West Bottoms
Collapsed wall of building and subsiding flood water in West Bottoms.
Colleen & LPC on top of glacier cold
Colleen wearing dark jacket and L. Perry in blue jacket stand on glacier with valley in background.
Colleen & me Scandinavia '88
L. Perry wearing red sweater over blue button up shirt next to Colleen who wears a blue sweater over striped collared shirt stand on gangplank with orange Ocean Princess Nassau life preserver.
Colleen & Vic
Colleen Leavengood sits with Vic on floral print chair looking at photo album.
Colleen and L. Perry pose for picture
Colleen in black dress and jacket with yellow blouse stands next to L. Perry who wears a suit and tie posing for picture in unknown location.
Colleen and Perry
Colleen Leavengood in black in white jacket stands behind L. Perry Cookingham wearing suit and tie seated in a chair.
Colleen at sunset - 11:30 p leaving Leningrad
Colleen in blouse and beaded necklace standing on deck of ship is backlit by the sun setting in a partially cloudy sky over a body of water.
Colleen in Danali Park
Colleen in tan slacks, blue shirt and dark blue jacket stands in front of view of valley, mountains, and cloudy sky at Denali National Park.
Colleen Leavengood poses with her family Jim, John and Ted
Colleen Leavengood poses with her family Jim, John and Ted.
Colleen sitting on Chair
Girl identified as Colleen sitting on Chair in front of bookcase.
Colleen sitting on stool
Girl identified as Colleen sitting on stool in front of bookcase.
Combs Chapel
George H Combs memorial Chapel of the Country Club Christian Church exterior shot of the southwest side of building.
Coming down a Greek island
L Perry in polo shirt and striped slacks rides on the back of donkey down cobblestone street.
Coming down a Greek island
Harriette in black and white blouse and slacks riding on the back of a donkey being led by an unidentified man down a cobblestone street.
Cookingham Alumni Society Penthouse
Group of men in suits identified only as L. Perry Cookingham Alumni Society.
Cookingham and Joyce Hall meeting Norman Rockwell
L. Perry Cookingham, Joyce Hall, and Norman Rockwell stand in front of an airplane.
Cookingham and unidentified actress
L. Perry Cookingham poses for picture with unidentified Starlight actress
Cookingham at desk
L. Perry Cookingham at desk in city managers office writing with pen.
Cookingham at desk
L. Perry Cookingham at desk in city managers office reading into microphone.
Cookingham at table talking to John Laney
Cookingham at table talking to John Laney.
Cookingham family gravestone
Cookingham family gravestone, Spring Hill, Danville, Illinois.
Cookingham family gravestone
Cookingham family gravestone, Spring Hill, Danville, Illinois.
Cookingham family gravestone
Cookingham family gravestone with wreath, Spring Hill, Danville, Illinois.
Cookingham giving thumbs up to mermaid
L. Perry Cookingham standing giving the thumbs up with Harriette W. Cookingham seated looking through window at underwater unidentified mermaid holding large decorative skeleton key.