Photo of a young man in a hat
Portrait of an unidentified young African American man in a hat.
Photo of a young man in a top hat
Portrait of an unidentified young African American man in top hat and glasses.
Photo of a young man wearing a hat
Portrait of an unidentified young African American man wearing a large, light colored, hat.
Photo of a young man with tie
Portrait of an unidentified young African American man with a tie.
Photo of a young woman
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman.
Photo of a young woman
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman.
Photo of a young woman
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman.
Photo of a young woman
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman with head scarf and necklace.
Photo of a young woman in a fur coat
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman in a fur coat.
Photo of a young woman standing by a house
Portrait of an unidentified young African American woman standing near a house.
Pianist and reflection
An unidentified white man at the piano with his reflection showing quite well from the raised piano lid; photo taken from in front of the piano looking directly at the pianist.
Piano lesson
Buck Clayton seated at a piano with two unidentified children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Picking up his bass
An African American man, likely Milt Hinton, getting his bass from the back of a red pickup with a coat over one arm.
Pier Paolo Pasolini showing off his book, "Poems" to Buck Clayton
Norman MacAfee is holding an envelope and holding up his book, "Poems" of Pier Paolo Pasolini while grinning at Buck Clayton who is carrying a briefcase. They are standing outside. Buck is wearing an...
Pierre Boyer and another saxophone player
Pierre Boyer in a black shirt and an unidentified white male musician in a white shirt playing saxophones side by side.
Pierre Boyer lifts a glass of wine
A largely unidentified group of white people sitting at a table with wine and bread. Pierre Boyer in the middle lifts a glass of wine. All are looking across the table.
Pigmeat Markham at the Apollo
"Pigmeat" Markham performing with an unidentified group of people at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York.
Playing at a party
Buck Clayton performing with an unidentified band as a couple dances in Paris, France.
Playing at a party
Buck Clayton playing trumpet at a party in front of a white woman with a drink, a white girl, and a white man; an unidentified white male clarinet player is next to Buck.
Playing in Count Basie's band
Buck Clayton performing with the Count Basie's band.
Playing on stage in Nice, France
Buddy Tate, Francis Williams, Buck Clayton and one other performing on stage in Nice, France.