"Bud and Spud" promotional photo
Promotional photo of Ralph "Bud" Hunt and Earl "Spud" Bledsoe. "Bud" playing banjo and "Spud" playing guitar behind KMBC microphone. Both wearing leather shoes, dark pants, plaid shirts, and paperboy...
"Colorado" Pete promotional photo
Promotional photo of "Colorado" Pete wearing satin long-sleeve shirt with dark scarf and white cowboy hat. "To Irene one of the "Crouse Twins", "Colorado" Pete, K.M.B.C." inscription on front.
"Korn's-a-Krackin'" promotional photo
"Korn's-a-Krackin" cast portrait. Back row, left to right: Jerry Asborn, Virgil Phillips, Ozark Red, George Rhodes, Slim Wilson, Buster Fellows, Faust Matthews, Bob White, Speedy Junior Haworth...
"Tex" Owens promotional photo
Promotional photo of "Tex" Owens sitting on stool with Martin guitar in front of white peg-board wall behind "KMBC" microphone. Owens is wearing leather chaps, cow print vest, white long-sleeve shirt...
Arthur B. Church, Mark Norman Smith, and three unidentified men sitting around desk
Arthur B. Church, Mark Norman Smith, and three unidentified men sitting around desk. Smith on far left; Church at middle right. All men wearing medium colored suits. Newspapers scattered on desk...
Cast of "The Brush Creek Follies"
All white cast of "The Brush Creek Follies." Group portrait of 33 individuals on stage with barn scene backdrop. Kit and Kay center front row in large white hats. Colorado Pete standing behind Kit and...
Cast of "The Brush Creek Follies"
All white cast of "The Brush Creek Follies." Group portrait of 24 individuals on stage with barn scene backdrop. Seven holding instruments including double bass, accordion, and guitars. Kit and Kay...
Charles F. Church, Jr. on train steps with suitcase
KMBC's director of education, Charles F. Church, Jr. standing on passenger train car steps in Portland, Oregon. Church holding large suitcase and smaller briefcase and is wearing medium toned suit...
Close-up of Kit & Kay behind "KMBC" microphone
Close-up of Kit & Kay behind KMBC microphone facing each other. Instrument straps visible over shoulders. Both wearing white Tom Mix cowboy hats and white tops with dark scarves under collars.
Colorado Pete with Kit & Kay
Colorado Pete on stage with Kit & Kay. Pete standing between Kit and Kay behind microphone. Kit and Kay wearing dark tops and pants. One holding guitar. Pete holding guitar and wearing light pants and...
Haden Family portrait
The Haden Family portrait. Left to right: James Lowell, Mary Elizabeth, Carl Sr., Kenny Thomas, Mary Jane, Sharon Kay, Carl Jr., Charlie. Handwritten note on front: "Our best wishes to you / The Haden...
Johnnie Lee Wills & All The Boys promotional photo
Johnnie Lee Wills & All The Boys portrait. Left to right: Buster Magness, Henry Boatman, Leon Huff, Chuck Adams, Frank Simms, Johnnie Lee Wills, Don Harlan, Curly Lewis, Clarence Cagle, Ebb Gray...
Kit & Kay performing in the KMBC studio
Kit & Kay performing in recording studio behind KMBC microphone with Martin guitar and Gibson mandolin. Both in black dresses with hair curled. Man, likely Erle Smith, standing on left side of image...
Kit & Kay performing with guitar and mandolin
Kit & Kay performing in white dresses with white cowboy hats. Standing behind KMBC microphone. One holding Martin guitar; other holding Gibson mandolin. Drum set and seated women partially visible in...
Kit & Kay performing with the Oklahoma Wranglers
Kit & Kay performing with the Oklahoma Wranglers on outside stage. Cars parked in front of building with Coca-Cola sign visible in background. Heads of audience members in foreground. Left to right...
Kit & Kay publicity shot
Kit & Kay publicity shot. Kit & Kay in white dresses with white cowboy hats and standing in behind KMBC microphone. One holding Martin guitar; other holding Gibson mandolin. Greek style column...
Kit & Kay with the Oklahoma Wranglers
Kit & Kay with the Oklahoma Wranglers in front building with "Coronado Cuarto Centennial 154 Kansas" flag. All wearing light tops, dark bottoms, and light cowboy hats. Left to right: Charles "Skeeter"...
Kit and Kay on horses in parade
Kit and Kay on horses in parade. Unidentified men on horseback in parade holding flags. Parade entering intersection and turning corner. Streetcar tracks visible in foreground. Large crowd on sidewalk...
Kit and Kay promotional photo
Kit & Kay portrait. Two women wearing white cowboy hats, white long-sleeve shirts, and black vests. Both holding guitars and standing on either side of KMBC microphone. Inscribed: "Best wishes from...
KMBC building exterior
KMBC building from southwest. Several vehicles on street. Board and Trade Building and 909 Walnut partially visible in background.
KMBC special events newscaster Neil Keen and staff talking about wind-damaged KMBC radio tower
Six men standing in front of brick wall with window. L to R: Dr. Schuman watering dark coat, Roy Barron wearing white shirt and dark pants, Neil Keen (Special Events newscaster) holding KMBC...
Laura Lee Owens promotional photo
Promotional photo of Laura Lee Owens. Owens sitting sideways on chair, facing her right and wearing light colored skirt, shirt, and cowboy hat with dark colored vest. Also wearing one ring on ring...
Mark Norman Smith in front of bookcase
Mark Norman Smith standing in front large bookcase with doors holding one book in right hand and removing book from shelf with left hand. Smith wearing light colored suit and facing bookcase at 90...
Mark Norman Smith portrait
Chest-up portrait of KMBC Director of Research Department Mark Norman Smith in dark suit, white shirt, and dark tie. Smith sitting at slight angle and looking above camera. Light background.
Mark Norman Smith portrait
Waist-up portrait of KMBC Director of Research Department Mark Norman Smith in light suit, white shirt, and flower tie. Smith sitting at slight angle and looking into camera. Black background.