Boy shining a flashlight
Young African American boy sitting up in his hospital bed and shining a flashlight toward the camera. An unidentified white female resident is...
Young African American boy sitting up in his hospital bed and shining a flashlight toward the camera. An unidentified white female resident is...
Resident Brian Burghardt examining a young white boy with his stethoscope in an exam room. Both are standing.
Resident Brian Burghardt examining a young white boy with his stethoscope in an exam room. Both are standing and laughing as the boy holds the...
Resident Brian Burghardt examining a young white boy with his stethoscope in an exam room. The boy is seated on an examination table and holding the...
Resident Brian Burghardt laughing with a young white boy seated on an examination table as he draws something on a piece of paper. A stethoscope is...
Resident Brian Burghardt seated and speaking to a white teenage girl with her leg crossed over her knee while seated at a table covered in books and...
Resident Brian Burghardt seated and speaking to a white teenage girl with her leg crossed over her knee seated at a table covered in books and near a...
Resident Brian Burghardt seated and speaking to a white teenage girl seated at a table covered in books and near a sink and counter.
Resident Brian Burghardt talking with a young white boy seated on an examination table while the boy draws on a sheet of paper. A stethoscope is...
Resident Brian Burghardt talking with a young white boy seated on an examination table as he draws something on a piece of paper. A stethoscope is...
Resident Brian Burghardt talking with a young white boy seated on an examination table and holding a pen in both hands. A stethoscope is around...
Resident Brian Burghardt talking with a young white boy seated on an examination table and holding a pen in one hand. A stethoscope is around...
Young African American boy sitting up in his hospital bed and facing the camera. An unidentified white female resident is standing behind him, only...
Dr. David Snow Howard, Children's Mercy Hospital resident, seated for a photo on a sofa with his wife and two young children (all white).
Three unidentified white male residents and one white female resident wearing protective gowns and facemasks conferring in hospital room. Two of the...
Three unidentified white male residents and one white female resident wearing protective gowns and facemasks conferring in hospital room. Two of the...
Large group of doctors and residents, men and women (Largely white but with some South East Asian and Asian women and men) standing on the exterior...
Female and possibly male nurses (white and four Asian women) and residents (white) listening to a lecturer in a classroom at Children's Mercy Hospital...
Dr. Robert A. Cornwell, Mercy Hospital resident, sitting at a desk in a Naval Reserve Uniform flanked by two flags.
Unidentified white female resident using her stethoscope to examine a young African American boy lying back in his hospital bed. Medical instruments...
Unidentified white female resident using her stethoscope to listen to the chest of a young African American boy lying back in his hospital bed...
Unidentified white female resident palpating the abdomen of a young African American boy lying back in his hospital bed. Medical instruments can be...
Unidentified white female resident palpating the abdomen of a young African American boy lying back in his hospital bed. Medical instruments can be...
Unidentified white male resident examining a white teenage girl lying on her stomach on an exam table. He is examining her back through her shirt...
Unidentified white male resident examining a white teenage girl lying on her stomach on an exam table. He has a hand under her shirt to examine her...