Aerial view of crowd and tear gas at City Hall
Aerial view of crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas.
Aerial view of crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas.
Aerial view of 12th Street with crowd mostly dispersed and tear gas filling the street where two police cars are stopped.
Aerial view of crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas; photo is dark.
Aerial view of crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas.
Aerial view of crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas, with a police blockade in the upper left portion of the photo.
Aerial view of crowd running from tear gas down 12th St., across from City Hall; taken from a high floor in Police Headquarters. Police cars are...
Broken basement windows at Holy Name Church; close-up view.
Broken basement windows at Holy Name Church.
Broken basement windows at Holy Name Church; close-up view.
Broken basement windows at Holy Name Church; close-up view.
Camera shot of front of Lincoln High School from the inside of a car with the car door open. To the right of the photo there is a police officer...
Cloud of tear gas filling 12th Street; Policeman in foreground wearing a gas mask with a pistol on his hip and holding a baton in his hand.
Crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas; Father Fly stands at the center of the photo behind a child on a bicycle, and is looking back...
Crowd running from tear gas down 12th St., across from City Hall, one person is riding a bicycle; Police in the foreground. Majority of the photo is...
Crowd running from tear gas down 12th St., across from City Hall; Police in the foreground, one holding a baton in his hands. In the center of the...
Crowd running from tear gas down 12th St., across from City Hall; Police in the foreground. Photo partially obscured by two police officers standing...
Crowd running from City Hall amidst clouds of tear gas; Fathers Fly and Ed Warner on left-hand side.
Crowd running down sidewalk and street from tear gas down 12th St., across from City Hall; Police officer in the foreground carrying a baton in his...
Crowd running away from tear gas, up steps. Photo is partially obscured due to tear gas.
Father Ed Warner on the lawn outside the courthouse, having been beaten by police, being helped by three passersby.
Father Ed Warner on the ground in the street filled with tear gas surrounded by police wearing gas masks and wielding batons, Father Fly is trying to...
Father Ed Warner gets taken down by group of police wearing gas masks and wielding batons and falls to the ground. Father Fly stands next to police.
Father Ed Warner gets taken down by police in gas masks in a cloud of tear gas; photo mostly obscured by tear gas.
Outside view of people evacuating Lincoln High School being directed by police with tear gas visible coming from the building. The officer in the...
Close up of line of white male police officers with gas masks armed with tear gas, batons, and riot guns outside City Hall. One officer in the middle...