Ahmad Alaadeen and Fanny Dunfee
Ahmad Alaadeen and Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee seated together smiling at the photographer.
Ahmad Alaadeen and Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee seated together smiling at the photographer.
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a fedora and holding his left hand to his chin, is sitting to the left of his wife, Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee who has her left...
Ahmad Alaadeen stands to the left of his wife, Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee. They both smile at the photographer.
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a white cap, getting off a bus while Marianne McShann waits for him during the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival in Davenport...
Backstage during the Mississippi Valley Blues Festival in Davenport, Iowa, Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a white flat cap, holds a soprano saxophone and a...
Contact sheet of 15 images: Community celebration honoring Ahmad Alaadeen's Lifetime Achievement Award granted by the American Jazz Museum earlier...
Ahmad Alaadeen and Governor Bob Holden, in tuxedos, and Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee, stand in front of bookshelves and smile at the photographer. Ahmad is...
Ahmad Alaadeen stands with David and Cathy Basse and their daughter in a room with bookshelves.
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a tuxedo, fedora, and an overcoat, Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee, Jay McShann, and Bob Bowman sharing a smile at The Club at Plaza...
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a kufi hat, Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee, wearing a Disc Makers ball cap, and Norman Hedman sitting on a couch probably at the...
Ahmad Alaadeen leaning into Yoko Takemura's shoulder as she has her right arm around his shoulders, sits with Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee at a patio table...
Ahmad Alaadeen, wearing a straw fedora hat and a sailboat print shirt, and Victoria "Fanny" Dunfee, wearing a straw sunhat and sunglasses, stand...
Barbara and Spencer Barefield stand arm-in-arm with their heads together to smile at the camera as they stand in a yard in front of a wooden fence...
The Barefield family: Barbara, A. Spencer IV, and A. Spencer, stand together in a yard in front of a wooden fence and smile at the camera. The parents...
Barbara and A. Spencer Barefield bend over to pet each end of a Saint Bernard as their son, 14-year-old A. Spencer Barefield IV, stands between them...
Blanche Williams stands among the restaurant's tables with the chef of the Harlequin Café, 8047 Agnes, Detroit, Michigan (8045 Agnes). A wall...
Blanche Williams stands outdoors with a big grin on her face as she holds a jack-o-lantern. She wears a denim jumpsuit. A demolished building spreads...
Blanche Williams stands by a double window gesturing towards a bird decoration and smiling at the camera. A carved cabinet is behind her with African...
Blanche Williams sits sideways in her chair while she talks at a dining table with a glass of juice and a calculator sitting on the placemat on the...
Blanche Williams looks to the left side of the photograph as she speaks to someone who out of the photograph. She sits in the Blue Room in the...
Blanche Williams sits on the floor with wall-to-wall carpet and leans on one hand in front of a decorated Christmas tree. An antique chair is next to...
Blanche Williams sits sideways in the passenger seat with her legs out of the door of a red vehicle with a red interior and white seats. She looks...
Blanche Williams sits sideways in the passenger seat with her legs out of the door of a red vehicle with a red interior and white seats. She looks...
Blanche Williams smiles at the camera as she holds a large bouquet of long-stemmed roses with greenery and babies' breath. A china cabinet is behind...
Blanche Williams stands outdoors against a cement wall between a body of water and a sidewalk and smiles at the camera while her right hand rests on...