Barbara Ann Garrett seated on a picnic table
Barbara Garrett smiling wearing a dark shirt with a light collar, a skirt, and socks and sandals, with her hands in her lap, seated on a picnic table...
Barbara Garrett smiling wearing a dark shirt with a light collar, a skirt, and socks and sandals, with her hands in her lap, seated on a picnic table...
Priscilla Ann Feagans standing in a patterned dress, arms at her sides, next to Warren Durrett, smiling, with on hand holding onto Priscilla's left...
Warren Durrett and Barbara Garrett seated on a short brick ledge in front of a dormitory building entrance. Durrett is wearing a collared shirt, long...
Barbara Garrett and Warren Durrett seated on a short brick ledge in front of a dormitory building entrance. Garrett is wearing a dark shirt with a...
Group photo in front of a brick building from left to right: Warren Durrett with a hand on his hip; Barbara Garrett in a dark jacket with a light...