"New Yorker" cruises in the New York Harbor
The "New Yorker" cruise yacht cruises through the New York Harbor with many tourists (only white men and women seen) on board. Two life preservers and...
The "New Yorker" cruise yacht cruises through the New York Harbor with many tourists (only white men and women seen) on board. Two life preservers and...
8 1/2 Souvenirs, an American swing band comprised of one white woman and four white men, stand outside under on possibly the porch of a shack with...
A photocopy of a photograph of 8 1/2 Souvenirs, a swing band comprised of one white woman and four white men, performing on the stage of the Viper...
8 1/2 Souvenirs, a Swing band comprised of one white woman and four white men, stand outside under a corrugated roof on possibly the porch of a shack...
8 1/2 Souvenirs, a Swing band comprised of one white woman and four white men, stand in a group and sneer at the camera. Printed in the margin below...
The 9's, a funk band comprised of five white men and one white woman, stand together wearing dark suits against a white background except for the band...
Group of unidentified white people sitting and standing in the park at the GALA picnic; several of the men seem as if they're loosely gathering to...
Unidentified woman on the shoulders of an unidentified man taking a photo above the crowd at the Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and...
Mrs. Molly Schwab presents a check from the Lexington Saddle Club to Judge Joe Miller for the Children's Mercy Hospital.
Teenage white girl standing in front of a table to accept her award during the Junior Volunteer Recognition program. The white woman presenting is a...
Boxed luncheon in Nurse Hall during the Eighth Annual Missouri Outstate Committee Meeting. An white male accordionist is standing behind a table of...
Unidentified white woman acrobat from the Truman Corners Circus doing a handstand atop a table on the lawn of Children's Mercy Hospital.
ACT UP/KC rally on gay pride day on the steps of City Hall; chalk outlines to symbolize and memorialize the dead from AIDS are on the ground; several...
ACT UP/KC gay pride rally on the steps of City Hall in Kansas City; Jon Barnett is standing in front of a microphone, an unidentified white man is...
ACT UP/KC rally on the steps of City Hall in Kansas City; a statue of Abraham and Tad Lincoln has been wrapped in red ribbon and a chalk outline of a...
Two unidentified white people (a man and a woman, both seated) staffing the ACT UP/KC table at the GALA picnic; a dog is under the table and signs...
Actor George Lindsey visiting a patient at Children's Mercy Hospital. He and a white female nurse are standing over a white infant in a crib. Lindsey...
Actress June Lockhart visiting a white girl patient at Children's Mercy Hospital. Lockhart is standing on the right in front of a bed with side rails...
Adele Hall posing for a photo with an unidentified young white boy with glasses and a light blue t-shirt. Both are facing the camera and smiling. The...
Adele Hall posing for a photo with an unidentified young white boy with glasses and a light blue t-shirt. Both are facing the camera and smiling.
Adele Hall posing for a photo with an unidentified young white boy with glasses and a light blue t-shirt. The boy has an arm around her shoulder and...
From left to right are an unidentified white female nurse, Jerry Cohen, an unidentified white man, Dr. Ned Smull, Caroline Schulte, and Mr. Black, all...
Marion Kreamer (left) with young white girl cardiac patient and two unidentified white women standing with Doctor Thomas Holder (right) around a new...
Adults (all white) and a young white girl at the Open House for the new building at Children's Mercy Hospital. The girl is walking with leg braces and...
Adults and child patients (all white execpt an African American girl seated) at the Wendy Ward Christmas Party. A row of young children are sitting in...