Ahmad Alaadeen, Terry Hughes, and Gerald Spaits performing
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be...
Terry Hughes (drums), Gerald Spaits (bass), and Ahmad Alaadeen (saxophone) performing during a concert in Palm Beach, Florida; Jay McShann may be...
Anson Funderburgh, blues guitarist, stands farthest to the right holding a guitar. Sam Myers, harmonica player and blues singer, stands in the center...
Vic Dickenson standing with an unidentified group of musicians at the Dunedin, New Zealand airport; seen are a drum kit, banjo, trombone and a bass in...
The band, Bad Livers, a bluegrass, folk, and punk band comprised of three white men, stand in a warehouse with their instruments. Farthest to the left...
Bam Brown, Zutty Singleton, Dick Powell, and Slim Gaillard laughing and talking in a recording studio. Brown is holding a double bass and shaking...
Jerry Evans with hand on the neck of his bass as if playing; he's wearing a suit and leaning in toward the right.
Bettye Miller playing piano on stage and looking over to the right of the photo. Milt Abel is partially seen playing bass beside the piano. Part of a...
Bettye Miller on piano performing on stage with Milt Abel on double bass next to her.
Bettye Miller playing piano with Milt Abel playing double bass behind her. Both are looking at the camera.
Bettye Miller, piano, with Milt Abel, bass, performing on stage together.
Bettye Miller, piano, with Milt Abel, bass, performing on stage together.
Bettye Miller, piano, with Milt Abel, bass, performing on stage together.
Milt Abel, bass, with Bettye Miller, vibraphone, performing on stage. Miller is standing and seen from the side and below the stage level.
View from below the stage of Bettye Miller, piano, and Milt Abel, bass, performing. Miller has her back to the camera. A drum set and vibraphone can...
Bettye Miller on piano with Milt Abel on bass performing together on stage. Part of a drum set can also be seen. Both are smiling widely.
Bettye Miller on piano with Milt Abel on bass performing together on stage. Part of a drum set can also be seen.
Bettye Miller, piano, and Milt Abel, bass, performing together. There is a cymbal from a drum set in the foreground of the photo.
Bettye Abel seated on at a piano and turned around to look at the camera over her shoulder. Milt Abel is standing with his bass beside her, also...
Bettye Miller on piano, Milt Abel on bass performing in a living room.
Bettye Miller and Milt Abel performing with an unidentified drummer. A large philodendron is behind the drummer. An extra bow is lying on the piano.
Bettye Miller, piano, and Milt Abel, double bass, performing together. Abel is positioned behind Miller who is looking to the right of the photo. Very...
Bettye Miller, piano, with Milt Abel, bass, performing on stage together. Miller has a microphone set up near her face and she's looking into the...
Bettye Miller and Milt Able performing together in what looks like a private home as living room curtains can be seen behind Abel. Both looking at the...
Bettye Miller and Milt Able performing together in what looks like a private home as living room curtains can be seen behind Abel. Taken at an angle.
Bettye Miller and Milt Able performing together in what looks like a private home as living room curtains can be seen behind Abel. Photo taken from...