"Black Monday" gathering in Chicago, IL
Aerial view of "Black Monday" gathering at Civic Center Plaza in Chicago, IL, 1969. Participants are gathered in a circle around the Picasso statue...
Aerial view of "Black Monday" gathering at Civic Center Plaza in Chicago, IL, 1969. Participants are gathered in a circle around the Picasso statue...
Ground view of "Black Monday" gathering at Civic Center Plaza in Chicago, IL, 1969. An African American man in the center of the photo has is arm...
Lyndon Johnson speaking for a national broadcast after signing the Civil Rights Act (HR 7152) in the White House, Washington, D.C. A large crowd is...
Oklahoma City: The Rev. Ralph Abernathy led a march of over four hundred people through the streets of Oklahoma City September 22, 1969 in support of...
State Troopers at Wilmington High School, Wilmington, Delaware: Helmeted state troopers stand ready to move into Wilmington High School with shotguns...