Orchid Jordan with three unidentified people at the base of a bridge
Orchid Jordan with three unidentified people standing at the base of a bridge leading to a garden path, likely in Paris. Jordan is standing at the bank of a stream. The other three people are standing...
Orchid Jordan with two girls
Orchid Jordan standing on the sidewalk with two unidentified young girls, one of them possibly Lavera Smith, next to a car in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing a plaid dress and dark jacket. All three...
Orchid Jordan with two unidentified women at an event
Orchid Jordan with two unidentified women at an event. Orchid is sitting on a padded chair and resting one hand on the woman to the right who is hugging Orchid. The woman on the right is holding a...
Orchid Jordan, an unidentified man, and Hendrick Jordense with a Jeep
Orchid Jordan, an unidentified man, and Hendrick Jordense with a Jeep in an open road in Liberia. Orchid and the man are standing behind the car and talking Hendrick is sitting in the driver's seat...
Orchid Jordan, John Wright, Josephine Wright, and Leon Jordan
Orchid Jordan, John Wright, Josephine Wright (Leon's maternal aunt), and Leon Jordan standing left to right in the front lawn of an unidentified residence. Orchid and Leon are holding unidentified...
Orchid Jordan, Leon Jordan, Mary Virginia Jacobs, John Wright, and Josephine Wright
Orchid Jordan, Leon Jordan, Mary Virginia Jacobs (Leon's maternal grandmother), John Wright, and Josephine Wright (Leon's maternal aunt) standing left to right in the front lawn of an unidentified...
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. She is looking forward and smiling, wearing a green blouse.
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is turned to the right and looking forward while smiling. She is wearing a turtleneck sweater and necklace with medallion.
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking forward and smiling. She is wearing a white dress shirt.
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking forward and smiling. She is wearing a white dress shirt.
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking to the left and smiling. She is wearing a dark blazer and metal brooch. Front and back of photo stamped with text "This is an unretouched portrait pre-view...
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking to the right and smiling. She is wearing a dark blazer and metal brooch. Front and back of photo stamped with text "This is an unretouched portrait pre...
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking forward and smiling. She is wearing a white blazer and silk scarf. Front and back of photo stamped with text "This is an unretouched portrait pre-view for...
Portrait of Orchid Jordan
Portrait of Orchid Jordan. Jordan is looking forward and smiling. She is wearing a large necklace made of shells
Support Committee for Public Accommodations Act in Kansas City, Mo.
Support Committee for the Public Accommodations Act in Kansas City, Missouri. Back row: Leon Jordan, unidentified man. Middle row: unidentified man, Lee Vertis Swinton, Mayor Ilus Davis, Bruce Watkins...
Support Committee for Public Accommodations Act in Kansas City, Mo.
Support Committee for the Public Accommodations Act in Kansas City, Missouri. Back row: Leon Jordan, unidentified man. Middle row: unidentified man, Lee Vertis Swinton, Mayor Ilus Davis, Bruce Watkins...
Ten young women outside an unidentified school
Ten young women standing on the steps outside an unidentified school. The women are wearing dresses and some are wearing jackets. They are all smiling and looking forward. Orchid Jordan is standing on...
Unidentified woman and man on a sofa
An unidentified woman, possibly Orchid Jordan, sitting next to an unidentified man on a sofa. Both are looking forward and smiling. The woman is wearing a floral dress and the man is wearing a striped...