Leon and Orchid Jordan with four unidentified people at a party
Leon and Orchid Jordan with four unidentified people at a party or gathering, likely in Monrovia. Leon is sitting second from left. Orchid is resting in another man's arms second from right. Everyone...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing at a table in their Kansas City home with items from their African art collection. Carved ivory tusks and ebony statues are on a fireplace behind them. A harp and...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. They are holding a hammock and Orchid is wearing a handmade hat. The items on display...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. Ebony statues and other handmade artifacts are on a table and animal skins hang from a...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. They are holding a hammock and Orchid is wearing a handmade hat. The items on display...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. They are holding a hammock and Orchid is wearing a handmade hat. The items on display...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. Ebony statues and other handmade artifacts are on a table and animal skins hang from a...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. They are holding a hammock and Orchid is wearing a handmade hat. The items on display...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan sitting on a couch in their Kansas City house with items collected in Africa. An animal skin and ivory statues are on a table with carved elephant base. Orchid is holding a...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon and Orchid Jordan standing in the basement of their house in Kansas City with items collected in Africa. Ebony statues and other handmade artifacts are on a table and animal skins hang from a...
Leon and Orchid Jordan with three unidentified people at a party
Leon and Orchid Jordan with three unidentified people at a party or gathering, likely in Monrovia. Orchid is standing on the right and Leon is sitting in the center. Everyone is laughing and smiling...
Leon Jordan and Orchid Jordan
Leon Jordan and Orchid Jordan standing in the front lawn of an unidentified residence. Leon is holding a young girl and Orchid is holding an infant. Everyone is looking forward and smiling. Leon is...
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense in front of a car and plane
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense standing in front of a car and plane on an airfield, likely James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. Leon wrapping his arms around Orchid. Both women...
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense in front of a car and plane
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense standing in front of a car and plane on an airfield, likely James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. Leon wrapping his arms around Orchid. Both women...
Leon Jordan, Susan Maude Ramsey, and Orchid Jordan
Leon Jordan, Susan Maude Ramsey (Orchid's mother), and Orchid Jordan standing left to right in the front lawn of an unidentified residence. All three are looking forward with neutral expressions.
Mai Padmore, Griff Davis, Muriel Davis, Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Bishop Brown
Mai Padmore, Griff Davis, Muriel Davis, Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Bishop Brown standing left to right at Dorothy Madelyn's christening in Monrovia. Muriel is holding Dorothy. And looking down...
Members of the Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority
Members of the Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority standing in front of a brick building. Orchid Jordan is standing in the first row, third from left. The young women are wearing dresses and looking forward...
Missouri's 76th General Assembly
Collection of portraits and names for all state officers and representatives of Missouri's 76th General Assembly, 1971-1972. The print includes oval portrait of Orchid Jordan, District 11, seventh...
Missouri's 80th General Assembly
Collection of portraits and names for all state officers and representatives of Missouri's 80th General Assembly, 1979-1980. The print includes oval portrait of Orchid Jordan, District 25, seventh...
Orchid and an unidentified woman with two young girls and a dog
Orchid and an unidentified woman standing on the sidewalk in Kansas City with two unidentified girls and a dog. Orchid and the other woman are kneeling and hugging the girls. The girl with Orchid is...
Orchid and Leon Jordan in front of a car
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing in front of a car and wooden garage in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing an animal print shoulder wrap. Leon is wearing a trench coat. Both are looking forward and smiling...
Orchid and Leon Jordan in front of a car
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing in front of a car and wooden garage in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing an animal print shoulder wrap. Leon is wearing a trench coat. Both are looking forward and smiling...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an assortment of masks
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an assortment of masks from their African art collection in their Kansas City home. The masks are hung on a sheet hanging on a table leaning against a wall. Orchid is...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an unidentified man and woman
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing with an unidentified man and woman with an infant and little girl (likely children of the unidentified couple). They are standing in the front lawn of an unidentified...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with Lavera Smith
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an unidentified girl, possibly Lavera Smith, sitting on steps outside an entrance to the Jordan residence at 2745 Garfield, Kansas City, Missouri. All three are looking...