Large stone building in Monrovia
A large stone building in Monrovia, possibly a church. The building has large, arched windows and a steeple. Two unidentified men walk in front of the building.
Large white building
A large white building in Monrovia. The building is five stories tall with large windows on all sides. A staircase on the front leads up to an arched entrance.
Leon Jordan and an unidentified man in front of a stone building
Leon Jordan and an unidentified man standing in front of a stone building somewhere in Europe. The building has several large arches and an ornate fence in front of the entrance. Jordan is holding a...
Leon Jordan at the entrance to a building
Leon Jordan at the entrance to a building somewhere in Europe. Jordan is looking at the camera and pointing his thumb back toward the building. The doorway has panels of glass with a wooden frame.
Leon Jordan in front of a United States Embassy
Leon Jordan standing with unidentified men and women in front of a United States Embassy in Europe. Jordan is standing fourth from the right. A large eagle statue sits on the stone gate post.
Leon Jordan in front of a United States Embassy
Leon Jordan standing with unidentified men and women in front of a United States Embassy in Europe. Jordan is standing in the foreground on the right. A large eagle statue sits on the stone gate post.
Leon Jordan walking toward a small cottage
Leon Jordan walking with a group of unidentified people toward a small cottage or building, likely in Italy. Small wooden fences are on both sides of the road. Jordan is looking back toward the camera...
Man and woman walking with a cart
An unidentified man and woman walking with a cart in Spain. The cart is pulled by a horse and is covered with a blanket. Several ornate buildings are in the background on the other side of a brick...
Man walking through a plaza
An unidentified man walking through a plaza in front of an ornate stone building and fountain somewhere in Europe. A large staircase behind the fountain goes up to the building entrance. The building...
Orchid Jordan walking toward a stone building
Orchid Jordan walking toward a stone building somewhere in Europe. The path to the building is lined with several lampposts and a statue on a pedestal. Jordan is holding a purse.
People in front of a two-story house
A group of unidentified people gathered in front of a two-story house in Liberia. There are large containers in front of the house.
People walking in and out of a building
People walking in and out of a building in Liberia. A group of people are standing on stairs talking while others are carrying drinks. The building is covered in large windows with blinds.
Several buses approaching a large memorial
Several buses approaching a large memorial or museum somewhere in Europe. The building has several statues in front and on top, including a statue of a man riding a horse in front. The building is...
Several thatch houses on the side of an open road
Several thatched houses on the side of an open road in rural Liberia. The central house is circular. They are in front of dense trees.
Side of a residential building
The side of a residential building somewhere in Europe. The building is painted with a flower and star design. The building has three floors of windows with porches and iron railings.
Sign for the Executive Mansion Washman
Sign displaying info for the Executive Mansion Washman facilities in Monrovia, Liberia. The sign lists the four men running the washman facilities on Camp-Johnson Road. A building with several clothes...
Street corner with several large stone buildings
Street corner in Spain with several large stone buildings. There is a car parked on the corner on the brick road. A brick wall surrounds one of the buildings in the background.
Street intersection in Paris
A street intersection in Paris. The streets are lined with trees and several large buildings are behind the trees. Several people are walking along the sidewalk.
Tour boat on the side of a river
A tour boat stopped on the side of a river somewhere in Europe. The side of the river has a large stone wall. Several large buildings and a row of trees are up against the river wall.
Two houses with corrugated roofing
Two houses with corrugated roofing and white concrete walls in Monrovia. Paved sidewalks lead up the front doors of each house.
Two men sitting on a horse-drawn cart
Two unidentified men sitting on a horse-drawn cart. The cart is carrying woven baskets. The horse is walking along a brick road with several large buildings in back.
Two men walking up to the Jordans' house
Two unidentified men walking up to the Jordans' house in Monrovia. The men are wearing white clothes and hats.
Two rows of thatched roof houses
Two rows of thatched roof houses lining an open road in rural Liberia. The huts have triangle-shaped rooves. People are possibly standing far in the shadows of some of the houses.
Unfinished building structure
Side of an unfinished building structure made of wood crossbeams and bricks, likely in Monrovia.
Unfinished building structure
An unfinished building structure made of wood crossbeams and bricks, likely in Monrovia.