Bull and matador in the center of a large stadium
A bull and matador in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running through a cape being waived by the matador. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and matador in the center of a large stadium
A bull and matador in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running through a flag being waived by the matador. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and several matadors at the side of a large stadium
A bull and several matadors at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. A matador is riding a horse out of the gate. Several other matadors are standing between the horse and the bull. The stadium...
Bull running toward a matador
A bull running toward a matador holding a cape at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Bus parked in front of a large memorial
A bus parked in front of a large memorial or museum somewhere in Europe. The building has several statues in front and on top, including a statue of a man riding a horse in front. The building is...
Bush Devil dancer on an open road
A Bush Devil dancer, symbolic of the materialization of a spirit form as well as the chief's authority for the Vai tribe, on an open road somewhere in Liberia. A group of people are standing around...
Bush Devil dancer on an open road
A Bush Devil dancer, symbolic of the materialization of a spirit form as well as the chief's authority for the Vai tribe, on an open road somewhere in Liberia. A group of men are standing around the...
Bush Devil dancer on an open road
A Bush Devil dancer, symbolic of the materialization of a spirit form as well as the chief's authority for the Vai people, on an open road somewhere in Liberia. A group of men are standing around the...
Busy street corner in Barcelona
A busy street corner in Barcelona. People are walking along a sidewalk in front of multi-story buildings. Streetcar cables hang across the streets. An unidentified man wearing a suit and sunglasses is...
Car parked next to the sidewalk
A car parked next to the sidewalk in front of a parking lot in Europe. Two large statues and an obelisk are in the background of the lot.
Central obelisk monument in St. Peter's Square
Central obelisk monument in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. The plaza is surrounded by ornate buildings with columns and domes.
Central obelisk monument in St. Peter's Square
Central obelisk monument in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. The plaza is surrounded by ornate buildings with columns and domes.
Children walking across a large concrete pier
Children walking across a large concrete pier possibly in Barcelona. The children are wearing black robes over t-shirts and shorts. A car is parked on the pier and a boat is going past the pier.
Cityscape of warehouses and several skyscrapers
Cityscape of warehouses and several skyscrapers somewhere in Europe. The warehouses in the foreground are the length of city blocks. The cityscape extends into the horizon.
Cityscape somewhere in Spain
Cityscape of small buildings and a large smokestack somewhere in Spain. Factories and warehouses are in the foreground and residential areas in the background.
Cliffs against the ocean
Cliffs against the ocean somewhere in Spain. Several large rocks jut out of the water. Several houses are visible on the side of the far cliff.
Clouds rolling over open waters
Clouds rolling in over open waters in Liberia. The edge of a lake or bay is far in the distance.
Coastline of a harbor
Coastline of a harbor in Freetown, Sierra Leone (indicated on back of photo). The coastline is hazy with fog and a large metal chain railing is in the foreground of the photo.
Coastline of a harbor
Coastline of a harbor in Freetown, Sierra Leone (indicated on back of photo). The coastline is hazy with fog and a large metal chain railing is in the foreground of the photo.
Colonne de Juillet (July Column)
The Colonne de Juillet (July Column), featuring a winged angel on top of the column, in Paris. The column is several stories tall and has a large base. A car is parked in front of the column.
Colonne de Juillet (July Column)
The Colonne de Juillet (July Column), featuring a winged angel on top of the column, in Paris. The column is several stories tall and has a large base. A car is parked in front of the column.
Columns and ruins from several large buildings
Columns and ruins from several large buildings in the middle of a town in Italy.
Columns and ruins from several large buildings
Columns and ruins from several large buildings in the middle of a town in Italy.
Columns and ruins from several large buildings
Columns and ruins from several large buildings in front of a cathedral in Italy. There is a new road between the older buildings. The cathedral has a large pointed dome.
Couples dancing during a party at American Legation
Couples dancing and people milling about during a party at the American Legation, Hansons House, in Monrovia. Orchid Jordan is dancing with a man identified as Lewis. A group of people are standing...