African Patriot docks on a pier during a port dedication ceremony
A large ship named African Patriot docks on a pier during a port dedication ceremony in Monrovia. The pier is lined with a large crowd of people.
African Patriot docks on a pier during a port dedication ceremony
A large ship named African Patriot docks on a pier during a port dedication ceremony in Monrovia. The pier is lined with a large crowd of people.
Boat docked in a harbor
A boat docked in a harbor somewhere in Italy. The boat has a sign that reads "Diretto Napoli." The boat has two levels and a large pole in the back.
Boats docked along a concrete pier
Boats docked along a concrete pier, likely in Italy. One of the boats has two levels, intended for passengers or tourists.
Coastline of a harbor
Coastline of a harbor in Freetown, Sierra Leone (indicated on back of photo). The coastline is hazy with fog and a large metal chain railing is in the foreground of the photo.
Coastline of a harbor
Coastline of a harbor in Freetown, Sierra Leone (indicated on back of photo). The coastline is hazy with fog and a large metal chain railing is in the foreground of the photo.
Crowd of people boarding a large ship
A crowd of people boarding a large ship. Everyone is gathering to walk up a staircase from the pier to the ship. People on the ship are leaning over the railings and looking down.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier. Many of the people walking about are wearing uniforms.
Five unidentified men on a beach
Five unidentified men on a beach in Liberia in front of large kayaks. The men are wearing swimming shorts and looking forward.
Five unidentified men on a beach
Five unidentified men on a beach in Liberia in front of large canoes. The men are wearing swimming shorts and looking forward.
Front of ship Del Viento
Front of ship Del Viento at a dock. Anchor ropes extend from the bow to a tether on the pier.
Group of people in a large ship
A group of people leaning against the railing of a large ship. A staircase running from a pier up to the ship is attached. Everyone in the crowd is looking down.
Group of people on deck
A group of people assembled on the deck of the ship. The ship is docked at a pier with warehouses.
Hendrik Jordense, an unidentified sailor, and Orchid Jordan
Hendrik Jordense, an unidentified white male sailor, and Orchid Jordan standing left to right on the deck of the U.S.S. Monrovia. All three are standing by a lifesaver and looking forward. Two...
large crowd standing on a newly dedicated port
A large crowd standing on a newly dedicated port for Monrovia. Several ships are docked near the pier. Writing on the back of the photo indicates it is during a dedication ceremony.
Large girders and steel bars on a ship
Large girders and steel bars on a ship with rigging hanging all over. The ship is likely in waters near Monrovia.
Motorboat approaching a pier
A motorboat approaching a pier to dock, likely in Monrovia. A group of unidentified people are standing on the edge of the boat ready to depart.
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach in Liberia next to a single-sail boat. Several people are carrying goods.
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach in Liberia next to a single-sail boat. Several people are carrying goods.
Open harbors in Spain
An open harbor next to large stone buildings in Spain. The harbor is full of people rowing boats. A restaurant and several buildings line the edge of the harbor. A stone fortress wall is behind the...
Orchid Jordan on the deck of a ship
Orchid Jordan standing on the deck of a ship. Orchid is looking forward and smiling. She is wearing a white dress.
Orchid Jordan sitting at a dining table
Orchid Jordan sitting at a dining table on the deck of a ship with two unidentified people. The man on the right is looking outside and the other two are looking forward. Orchid is wearing a striped...
Orchid Jordan standing on a patio
Orchid Jordan standing on a patio overlooking the ocean on the deck of a ship. Tables with chairs are spread around the patio. Orchid is wearing a striped dress and hat.