1 - 13 of 13 items

Bus parked in front of a large memorial


A bus parked in front of a large memorial or museum somewhere in Europe. The building has several statues in front and on top, including a statue of a man riding a horse in front. The building is...

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Car parked next to the sidewalk


A car parked next to the sidewalk in front of a parking lot in Europe. Two large statues and an obelisk are in the background of the lot.

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Large stone angel statue


A large stone angel statue inside a marble hall somewhere in Europe. The angel is looking up and holding an object under its arm.

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Leon Jordan in front of a stream


Leon Jordan standing in front of a stream somewhere in Europe. Several dragon statues and a stone walkway with railing are behind the stream. Jordan is wearing a suit and sunglasses and is looking...

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Leon Jordan with two unidentified women


Leon Jordan with two unidentified women in a crowd of people looking at statues, somewhere in Europe. Jordan is standing on the left and looking down. The statues in back are wearing crowns and are...

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Man in front of a large fountain


An unidentified man standing in front of a large fountain with statues in the style of ancient Greek figures. A large ornate building, possibly a cathedral, is behind the fountain.

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Monument and statue


A monument and statue somewhere in Europe. The monument has a large marble base and a metal statue on top. The monument is next to an open road and in front of a row of trees.

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Ornate fountain and archway


An ornate fountain and archway somewhere in Europe. The fountain has statues of dragons and other creatures with water spouts in the mouth. The archway has a statue of four wild horses on top. A stone...

Date Published

Several buses approaching a large memorial


Several buses approaching a large memorial or museum somewhere in Europe. The building has several statues in front and on top, including a statue of a man riding a horse in front. The building is...

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