Leon Jordan with Charlie #6
Leon Jordan with a man identified as Charlie #6 standing outside a building in Liberia. Jordan is standing on the right and looking at Charlie while smiling. Charlie is standing on a raised ledge and...
Leon Jordan with four unidentified men
Leon Jordan with four unidentified men in front of a large brick wall. Everyone is wearing wide-brimmed hats. Jordan is standing on the right and shaking hands with the man in the center. The others...
Leon Jordan with four unidentified men at a ceremony
Leon Jordan with four unidentified men at a ceremony in Monrovia. Jordan is standing in front of a table where the other men are sitting. Jordan and two men are wearing medals around their necks and...
Leon Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon Jordan sitting on a couch in his Kansas City house with items collected in Africa. Several animal skins are on the couch. Carved ebony and ivory figurines are on an inlaid ivory table.
Leon Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon Jordan sitting on a couch in his Kansas City house with items collected in Africa. Several animal skins are on the couch. Carved ebony and ivory figurines are on an inlaid ivory table.
Leon Jordan with items collected in Africa
Leon Jordan sitting on a couch in his Kansas City house with items collected in Africa. Several animal skins are on the couch. Carved ebony and ivory figurines are on an inlaid ivory table.
Leon Jordan with Liberian president William Tubman
Leon Jordan standing with Liberian president William Tubman and three unidentified officials at a ceremony in Monrovia. Tubman is standing second from left and Jordan is standing in the center. Jordan...
Leon Jordan with Mary Virginia Jacobs
Leon Jordan with his arms wrapped around Mary Virginia Jacobs (Leon's maternal grandmother). Both are looking forward and smiling. Jacobs is wearing a white dress and small hat.
Leon Jordan with police trainees
Leon Jordan with eleven police trainees. Jordan is standing sixth from left. All the men are wearing light colored uniforms and standing in front of a truck with "Police" stenciled on the side. The...
Leon Jordan with police trainees
Leon Jordan with eleven police trainees. Jordan is standing sixth from left. All the men are wearing light colored uniforms and standing in front of a truck with "Police" stenciled on the side. The...
Leon Jordan with police trainees
Leon Jordan with eleven police trainees. Jordan is standing sixth from left. All the men are wearing light colored uniforms and standing in front of a truck with "Police" stenciled on the side. The...
Leon Jordan with police trainees
Leon Jordan with eleven police trainees. Jordan is standing sixth from left. All the men are wearing light colored uniforms and standing in front of a truck with "Police" stenciled on the side. The...
Leon Jordan with several people in a restaurant
Leon Jordan sitting with several unidentified people in a restaurant, possibly in Italy. A violinist is playing in the back of the restaurant. Jordan is leaning forward and looking at the camera. A...
Leon Jordan with several people in a restaurant
Leon Jordan sitting with several unidentified people in a restaurant, possibly in Italy. A violinist is playing in the back of the restaurant and everyone is looking at him. A basket of rolls is on...
Leon Jordan with several people in the Colosseum
Leon Jordan standing with several unidentified people in the Colosseum. Jordan is looking to the side and is standing under ruins. The Colosseum wall is in the background.
Leon Jordan with three unidentified people on a garden path
Leon Jordan with three unidentified people standing on a garden path, likely in Paris. A bed of flowers is growing behind the people and large buildings are seen behind the garden. Jordan is standing...
Leon Jordan with two unidentified men
Leon Jordan standing with two unidentified men in front of a building in Liberia. Jordan is wearing a light colored shirt and tie. The other two men are also wearing light colored clothing.
Leon Jordan with two unidentified women
Leon Jordan with two unidentified women in a crowd of people looking at statues, somewhere in Europe. Jordan is standing on the left and looking down. The statues in back are wearing crowns and are...
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense in front of a car and plane
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense standing in front of a car and plane on an airfield, likely James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. Leon wrapping his arms around Orchid. Both women...
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense in front of a car and plane
Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Hendrik Jordense standing in front of a car and plane on an airfield, likely James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. Leon wrapping his arms around Orchid. Both women...
Leon Jordan, Susan Maude Ramsey, and Orchid Jordan
Leon Jordan, Susan Maude Ramsey (Orchid's mother), and Orchid Jordan standing left to right in the front lawn of an unidentified residence. All three are looking forward with neutral expressions.
Linda Kay Randolph and Carla Barry Sayles
Linda Kay Randolph, Carla Barry Sayle standing in front of two cars parked in an area identified as [???] Washington Farm. The cars have long tail fins. The girls are wearing jean shorts and looking...
Linda Kay Randolph and Carla Barry Sayles
Linda Kay Randolph and Carla Barry Sayles sitting on a bench in front of a tree in an area identified as [???] Washington Farm. Two people stand behind the tree talking. The girls are looking up and...
Long line of people walking down the road
A long line of people walking down a road during the day in Liberia. The crowd is walking in front of several buildings.
Mai Padmore, Griff Davis, Muriel Davis, Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Bishop Brown
Mai Padmore, Griff Davis, Muriel Davis, Leon Jordan, Orchid Jordan, and Bishop Brown standing left to right at Dorothy Madelyn's christening in Monrovia. Muriel is holding Dorothy. And looking down...