Leon Jordan and several unidentified people walking to a train station
Leon Jordan and several unidentified people walking through a large stone archway to a train station in Spain. The archway has a large iron gate. Several men in uniforms are taking tickets from...
Leon Jordan at a desk in his office
Leon Jordan sitting at a desk in his office in Kansas City. Photographs of fingerprints are hanging in front of the desk. Jordan is looking down at charts with other prints. The desk is covered with...
Leon Jordan at Robertsport monument
Leon Jordan with an unidentified woman and two men, likely tour guides. They are sitting at a monument for the centennial of the city of Robertsport, Liberia. Jordan is leaning back and all four...
Leon Jordan at Robertsport monument
Leon Jordan with an unidentified woman and two men. They are sitting at a monument for the centennial of the city of Robertsport, Liberia. Jordan is leaning back and all four people and smiling at the...
Leon Jordan at Robertsport monument
Leon Jordan with an unidentified woman and two men, likely tour guides. They are sitting at a monument for the centennial of the city of Robertsport, Liberia. Jordan is leaning back and all four...
Leon Jordan at the base of a building
Leon Jordan with a group of unidentified people standing at the base of a building at the Tower of London. Jordan is looking at the building and holding his hand on his hip. The building has ornate...
Leon Jordan at the entrance to a building
Leon Jordan at the entrance to a building somewhere in Europe. Jordan is looking at the camera and pointing his thumb back toward the building. The doorway has panels of glass with a wooden frame.
Leon Jordan in a boat with an unidentified man and woman
Leon Jordan sitting in a boat with an unidentified man and woman, possibly Orchid Jordan. Leon is looking to the side and wearing sun glasses. The other man is looking at Leon. Large cliffs...
Leon Jordan in a living room
Leon Jordan in a living room, likely in Barcelona. Jordan is sitting in a chair covered in floral upholstery and reading a magazine. Several patterned rugs are spread across the floor.
Leon Jordan in an open road
Leon Jordan standing in an open road somewhere in Liberia. Jordan is wearing a light colored uniform and is smiling while standing in front of a thatched-roof hut. A group of unidentified people are...
Leon Jordan in front of a river crossing
Leon Jordan standing in front of a river crossing, likely in Italy. Several rowboats are being rowed across the river. On the other side of the river is a staircase leading under rocks and up the side...
Leon Jordan in front of a stream
Leon Jordan standing in front of a stream somewhere in Europe. Several dragon statues and a stone walkway with railing are behind the stream. Jordan is wearing a suit and sunglasses and is looking...
Leon Jordan in front of a United States Embassy
Leon Jordan standing with unidentified men and women in front of a United States Embassy in Europe. Jordan is standing fourth from the right. A large eagle statue sits on the stone gate post.
Leon Jordan in front of the Arc de Triomphe
Leon Jordan standing in front of the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. A car is driving toward the arch. Several other people are walking along the sidewalk. Leon is wearing a beret.
Leon Jordan on a balcony
Leon Jordan standing on a balcony overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Jordan is holding a jacket under his arm and looking toward the camera. Several chairs and tables are spread across the balcony. A...
Leon Jordan on large stone steps
Leon Jordan sitting on large stone steps, likely in Monrovia. He is wearing a dress shirt with a badge for the Liberian Constabulary Police and is looking to the side with a neutral expression.
Leon Jordan on large stone steps
Leon Jordan sitting on large stone steps, likely in Monrovia. He is wearing a dress shirt with a badge for the Liberian Constabulary Police and is looking to the side with a neutral expression.
Leon Jordan on the path of a garden
Leon Jordan standing on the path of a garden, likely in Paris. Several large trees and an iron fence line the back of the garden. Leon is looking forward and standing in front of a trellis.
Leon Jordan on the steps of his house
Leon Jordan standing on the steps in front of his house in Kansas City with a black dog. Jordan is looking down at the dog and petting it.
Leon Jordan posing for a photograph
Leon Jordan posing for a photograph. Jordan is looking forward and smiling. He is wearing a tweed jacket and scarf along with a visor or hat.
Leon Jordan posing for a photograph
Leon Jordan sitting in a photo booth used for criminal mugshots. Jordan is making a silly grimace with his face. An identification bar reads "KCMO PD 67602/ 4-20-50." The camera has a stack of photo...
Leon Jordan receiving a medal from William Tubman
Leon Jordan receiving a medal from Liberian president William Tubman. Two men in military uniforms are standing on the right looking at the ceremony. Tubman is hanging a medal around the neck of an...
Leon Jordan reclining in a chair
Leon Jordan reclining in a chair with a dog in his lap. Jordan is looking down.
Leon Jordan sitting at a desk
Leon Jordan sitting at a desk with a typewriter and rotary phone. Jordan is holding a cigarette over an ash tray and is wearing a pin-stripe suit. He is looking up at the camera.
Leon Jordan sitting at a desk
Leon Jordan sitting at a desk with a typewriter and rotary phone. Jordan is holding a cigarette over an ash tray and is wearing a pin-stripe suit.