Griff and Muriel Davis with daughter Dorothy Madelyn
Griff and Muriel Davis with daughter Dorothy Madelyn; likely outside the church where Dorothy was christened in Monrovia. Griff is wearing a light suit and bending forward to hold Dorothy. Muriel is...
Groundskeepers raking the dirt in the arena
Groundskeepers raking the dirt in the arena of a large stadium in Barcelona before a bullfight. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Groundskeepers, horses, and matadors walking into a large stadium
Groundskeepers, horses, and matadors walking into a large stadium in Barcelona. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Group of children
A group of children in Liberia ranging in ages standing in front of several huts, possibly at school. One older woman is standing in the back.
Group of matadors circling a bull
A group of matadors circling a bull near the end of a bullfight in a large stadium in Barcelona. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Group of matadors standing over a dead bull
A group of matadors standing over a dead bull at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Group of matadors walking along the side of a large stadium
A group of matadors walking along the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. Other matadors are riding horses along the arena. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from...
Group of people in a large ship
A group of people leaning against the railing of a large ship. A staircase running from a pier up to the ship is attached. Everyone in the crowd is looking down.
Group of people on deck
A group of people assembled on the deck of the ship. The ship is docked at a pier with warehouses.
Group of unidentified men and women wearing black robes
A group of unidentified men and women wearing black robes, likely as part of a graduating class. They are standing and sitting in four rows on a sidewalk somewhere in Kansas City.
Group of unidentified people dining outdoors
A group of unidentified people at outdoor dining tables in Liberia. A large palm tree is in the background. All the diners are wearing formal wear. A waiter is carrying a drink to one man.
Group of unidentified people dining outdoors
A group of unidentified people at outdoor dining tables in Liberia. A large palm tree is in the background. All the diners are wearing formal wear.
Group of unidentified people in a large doorway
A group of unidentified people standing in a large doorway, likely in Monrovia. The men are wearing top hats and tuxedos. A woman is wearing a formal dress and large hat. Banner flags are hanging...
Group of uniformed firemen
A group of uniformed firemen in Liberia watching a fire engine drive down the road. One man is riding on the back of the truck.
Group of uniformed firemen
A group of uniformed firemen in Liberia standing next to a fire engine. The men are connecting a hose to a fire hydrant on the street corner.
Group of women in formal dresses
A group of women in formal dresses posing for a photo in a living room. They are standing and sitting in three rows. Most of the women are wearing corsages on their wrists. Everyone is looking forward...
Group of women playing cards on the beach
A group of unidentified women sitting at a table on the beach in Liberia. They are sitting under a large striped umbrella and playing cards.
Group of women standing by a building
A group of women in Liberia standing by a building in front of several barrels. The women are wearing formal dresses. One woman is holding a small child.
Group photo of Orchid Ramsey's school
Group photo of Orchid Ramsey's [Orchid Jordan] elementary school. Several adults are sitting with dozens of children in suits and dress uniforms. Orchid is sitting far left in the second row. Everyone...
Haile Selassie and Menen Asfaw with an unidentified official
Haile Selassie and Menen Asfaw with an unidentified official and his wife at a formal event, possibly in Liberia. Haile Selassie is standing on the right, wearing a dark uniform covered in medals and...
Headshot of Leon Jordan
Headshot of Leon Jordan. Jordan is looking forward with a neutral expression. He is wearing a dark suit jacket and black tie.
Headshot of Warren E. Hearnes
Headshot of Warren E. Hearnes, Governor of Missouri. Hearnes is looking forward with a neutral expression. He is wearing a dark suit and tie.
Hendrik Jordense, Howard Jordan, Orchid Jordan, Leon Jordan, and Lt. T. Colwel Jordense on a beach
Hendrik Jordense, Lt. T. Colwell Jordense, Orchid Jordan, Leon Jordan, and Howard Jordan standing left to right on a beach in Monrovia. They are setting up a canopy and placing a pole in the ground...
Hendrik Jordense, Lt. T. Colwell Jordense, and Leon Jordan on a beach
Hendrik Jordense, Lt. T. Colwell Jordense, and Leon Jordan standing left to right on a beach in Monrovia. Colwell is holding rope used to set up a canopy.
Henry and Zarr standing in front of a building
Henry and Zarr (identified on back of photo) standing left to right in front of a building housing the Jordans' kitchen in Monrovia. Zarr is the Jordans' cook and is holding a barracuda fish. Henry is...