Five unidentified people on a dirt road
Five unidentified people standing on a dirt road in the middle of a village in rural Liberia. A woman in the center is holding a small child. Everyone is looking forward and smiling.
Seven unidentified men standing in front of Liberian Customs
Seven unidentified men standing in front of a temporary building setup for Liberian Customs in Monrovia. Three men are kneeling and the others are standing. All are looking forward with neutral...
Several children and adults standing between huts
Several children standing in front of a group of adults in between several huts in a rural Liberian village. The adult women are wearing headdresses. Several baskets are on the ground. The huts are...
Six unidentified men in front of a hut
Six unidentified men standing in front of a thatched roof hut in rural Liberia. All the men are looking forward with neutral expressions. The man on the left is wearing a long robe and the others are...
Three unidentified women and a girl in front of a hut
Three unidentified women and a girl standing in front of a hut in rural Liberia. All three women are wearing head wraps and the woman on the left is only wearing a skirt. The hut has a wall made of...
Three unidentified young men in front of a hut
Three unidentified young men standing in front of a thatched roof hut in rural Liberia. The men are looking at each other and are searching light colored shirts.
Two unidentified men standing in front of Liberian Customs
Two unidentified men standing in front of a temporary building setup for Liberian Customs in Monrovia. The man on the right may be Leon Jordan.
Two unidentified women walking down an open road
Two unidentified women walking down an open road in rural Liberia. The road leads to several thatched roof huts. The woman on the left is balancing baskets on her head.
Two women and a small boy carrying baskets
Two women and a small boy carrying baskets along a dirt road in rural Liberia. The boy is standing in front of two thatched roof huts.
Unidentified man and woman standing between huts
An unidentified man and woman standing between several huts in a rural Liberian village. The man is wearing a patterned fabric cap and white robe. The woman is wearing a striped dress and head wrap...
Unidentified woman standing next to stone mortar
An unidentified woman in Liberia standing next to a stone mortar with a large pole in her hand. The woman is wearing a patterned dress and head wrap. There is a thatch hut in the back.