Albert Witchen with two women
Albert Witchen, Vice Consul for American Legation, sitting with two women at an outdoor dining table, possibly at a restaurant or party in Monrovia. All three are looking forward with a neutral...
Bishop Brown christening Dorothy Madelyn Davis
Bishop Brown (right) and and an unidentified clergyman christening Dorothy Madelyn Davis, likely in Monrovia. Brown is holding Davis over the baptismal fount. Both men are wearing traditional...
Boy standing in front of several large buildings
An unidentified boy standing in front of several large buildings somewhere in Spain. The boy is wearing a striped t-shirt and is holding his hands on his hips.
Bull and matador at the side of a large stadium
A bull and matador at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running toward the matador who is standing by a gate. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and matador in the center of a large stadium
A bull and matador in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running through a cape being waived by the matador. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and matador in the center of a large stadium
A bull and matador in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running through a cape being waived by the matador. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and matador in the center of a large stadium
A bull and matador in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull is running through a flag being waived by the matador. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging...
Bull and several matadors at the side of a large stadium
A bull and several matadors at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. A matador is riding a horse out of the gate. Several other matadors are standing between the horse and the bull. The stadium...
Bull running toward a matador
A bull running toward a matador holding a cape at the side of a large stadium in Barcelona. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Bush Devil dancer on an open road
A Bush Devil dancer, symbolic of the materialization of a spirit form as well as the chief's authority for the Vai tribe, on an open road somewhere in Liberia. A group of people are standing around...
Bush Devil dancer on an open road
A Bush Devil dancer, symbolic of the materialization of a spirit form as well as the chief's authority for the Vai tribe, on an open road somewhere in Liberia. A group of men are standing around the...
Busy street corner in Barcelona
A busy street corner in Barcelona. People are walking along a sidewalk in front of multi-story buildings. Streetcar cables hang across the streets. An unidentified man wearing a suit and sunglasses is...
Children walking across a large concrete pier
Children walking across a large concrete pier possibly in Barcelona. The children are wearing black robes over t-shirts and shorts. A car is parked on the pier and a boat is going past the pier.
Couples dancing during a party at American Legation
Couples dancing and people milling about during a party at the American Legation, Hansons House, in Monrovia. Orchid Jordan is dancing with a man identified as Lewis. A group of people are standing...
Crowd of people boarding a large ship
A crowd of people boarding a large ship. Everyone is gathering to walk up a staircase from the pier to the ship. People on the ship are leaning over the railings and looking down.
Crowds of people watching girls dancing
Crowds of people watching girls dancing during a parade or event in Monrovia. The girls are wearing white dresses and dancing around maypoles with streamers.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier.
Crowds on a large pier
Crowds walking on a large pier, likely in Monrovia. A large shipping or transport ship is docked at the back of the pier. Many of the people walking about are wearing uniforms.
Crowds watching a street parade
Crowds watching a street parade for an event in Monrovia. Several uniformed officials are walking down the street with a group of young girls in white dresses. People are standing on both sides of the...
Exterior shot of an Episcopal Church
Exterior shot of the Episcopal Church where Dorothy Madelyn Davis was christened in Monrovia. Several unidentified people are standing in front of the church, next to a car parked in front. The church...
Five matadors and a bull in the center of a large stadium
Five matadors and a bull in the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. The bull in running toward one of the matadors. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both...
Five unidentified men in military uniforms
Five unidentified men in military uniforms standing in front of a car on the street in Monrovia. The men are wearing formal dress uniforms and looking forward while talking. A row of houses is behind...
Five unidentified men on a beach
Five unidentified men on a beach in Liberia in front of large kayaks. The men are wearing swimming shorts and looking forward.
Five unidentified men on a beach
Five unidentified men on a beach in Liberia in front of large canoes. The men are wearing swimming shorts and looking forward.