Several people on the deck of a ship
Several unidentified people on the deck of a ship looking down at a smaller motorboat approaching the larger ship. The ships are likely in waters near Liberia.
Several small buildings on the edge of a pier
Several small buildings on the edge of a pier, likely in Liberia. A large corrugated roof extends along the side of the pier.
Several stone towers and walkways
Several stone towers and walkways at the Tower of London. Several people are walking between the towers. Moss is growing up the side of the towers.
Several tables and chairs on a stone patio
Several tables and chairs on a stone patio behind a large building, somewhere in Liberia. The building is made of white stone and has a well maintained garden. The patio is likely an outdoor dining...
Several thatch houses on the side of an open road
Several thatched houses on the side of an open road in rural Liberia. The central house is circular. They are in front of dense trees.
Several unidentified men in front of a large stone statue
Several unidentified men standing in front of a large stone statue of a man wearing robes and holding a sword. The men are on a path leading to a large church somewhere in Europe. The building has a...
Several unidentified men wearing top hats and tuxedos
Several unidentified men wearing top hats and tuxedos walking down a street during a parade or event in Monrovia. Uniformed military personnel are escorting the men.
Several women walking down the street
Several unidentified women walking down the street during a parade or event in Monrovia. The women are wearing dresses and large hats. Soldiers are standing behind the women as they walk forward.
Shoreline along a lake
The shoreline along a lake somewhere in Europe. Several bushes are in the foreground. Several hills are visible on the far shoreline at the horizon.
Side of a hut
The side of a hut made of thatched leaves in rural Liberia. Several large branches are tied together as makeshift poles.
Side of a residential building
The side of a residential building somewhere in Europe. The building is painted with a flower and star design. The building has three floors of windows with porches and iron railings.
Sign for the Executive Mansion Washman
Sign displaying info for the Executive Mansion Washman facilities in Monrovia, Liberia. The sign lists the four men running the washman facilities on Camp-Johnson Road. A building with several clothes...
Signs marking the Keeper of the Crown Jewels
Signs marking the Keeper of the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London. The signs are affixed to a stone wall.
Single propeller plane on a dirt field
A single propeller plane on a dirt field, possibly James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. The plane has a single dark stripe along the side. A car is parked behind the plane.
Single propeller plane on a dirt field
A single propeller plane on a dirt field, possibly James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. The plane has a single dark stripe along the side. A car is parked behind the plane.
Single propeller plane on a dirt field
A single propeller plane on a dirt field, possibly James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. The plane has a single dark stripe along the side. A car is parked behind the plane.
Single propeller plane on a dirt field
A single propeller plane on a dirt field, possibly James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. The plane has a single dark stripe along the side. A car is parked behind the plane.
Six people walking around a plane
Six unidentified people walking around a plane on a sandy field in Liberia. All six are wandering around the area, wearing light colored clothes and hats.
Six people walking around a plane
Six unidentified people walking around a plane on a sandy field in Liberia. All six are wandering around the area, wearing light colored clothes and hats.
Six unidentified men carrying a large canoe
Six unidentified men carrying a large canoe on the beach towards water in Liberia. The canoe has intricate painting along the side.
Six unidentified men in front of a hut
Six unidentified men standing in front of a thatched roof hut in rural Liberia. All the men are looking forward with neutral expressions. The man on the left is wearing a long robe and the others are...
Six unidentified men posing for a photo
Six unidentified men posing for a photo. Three men are sitting on a couch and the others are standing in back. They are all wearing dark suits and looking forward while smiling.
Six unidentified people standing around a child
Six unidentified people standing around a small child in Liberia. One woman is holding another child in her arms. Both children are naked. The other people are looking forward or down at the child...
Small sail boats docked
Small sail boats docked on a stone pier, likely in Italy. The boats are white and are only big enough for a couple people. A man is sitting next to a pole and stalls on the pier.
Soldiers in military dress uniforms
A group of soldiers in military dress uniforms standing on a street in Monrovia. The men are looking forward with neutral expressions.