Monkey rug and additional African items
A couch cover identified as "monkey rug" and additional African items collected by the Jordans in their Kansas City home. An unidentified woman is sitting in the corner of the room. In front of the...
Monument and statue
A monument and statue somewhere in Europe. The monument has a large marble base and a metal statue on top. The monument is next to an open road and in front of a row of trees.
Motorboat approaching a pier
A motorboat approaching a pier to dock, likely in Monrovia. A group of unidentified people are standing on the edge of the boat ready to depart.
Motorcycle and car driving down a road
A motorcycle and car driving down a road in Barcelona. The motorcycle driver is wearing sunglasses and looking at the camera. A grid of streetcar cables are hanging overhead and a streetcar is stopped...
Muriel Davis holding daughter Dorothy Madelyn by a doorway
Muriel Davis holding daughter Dorothy Madelyn by a doorway where an unidentified girl, a boy and a woman are also seen; likely inside the church where Dorothy was christened in Monrovia. Muriel is...
Muriel Davis holding daughter Dorothy Madelyn Davis
Muriel Davis holding daughter Dorothy Madelyn Davis, standing in between an unidentified woman, two girls and a boy; likely inside the church where Dorothy was christened in Monrovia. Muriel is...
Newly trained policemen
A group of newly trained Liberian policemen at a ceremony. The men are standing in an open field wearing formal uniforms.
Nine matadors walking into the center of a large stadium
Nine matadors walking into the center of a large stadium in Barcelona. One of the matadors is riding a horse. The stadium has two levels of seats. Advertising banners are hanging from both levels.
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach in Liberia next to a single-sail boat. Several people are carrying goods.
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach
Nine unidentified people standing on a beach in Liberia next to a single-sail boat. Several people are carrying goods.
Officers Junior Women's Convention of Missouri-Kansas
Ten unidentified women posing for a photo as officers of the Junior Women's Convention of Missouri-Kansas. The women are wearing formal dresses and are all smiling and looking forward.
Officers Junior Women's Convention of Missouri-Kansas
Ten unidentified women posing for a photo as officers of the Junior Women's Convention of Missouri-Kansas. The women are wearing formal dresses and are all smiling and looking forward.
Open harbors in Spain
An open harbor next to large stone buildings in Spain. The harbor is full of people rowing boats. A restaurant and several buildings line the edge of the harbor. A stone fortress wall is behind the...
Open street between rows of buildings
An open street between rows of buildings in a village somewhere in Europe. The buildings are made of stone and all have large archway entrances.
Orchid and an unidentified woman with two young girls and a dog
Orchid and an unidentified woman standing on the sidewalk in Kansas City with two unidentified girls and a dog. Orchid and the other woman are kneeling and hugging the girls. The girl with Orchid is...
Orchid and Leon Jordan in front of a car
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing in front of a car and wooden garage in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing an animal print shoulder wrap. Leon is wearing a trench coat. Both are looking forward and smiling...
Orchid and Leon Jordan in front of a car
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing in front of a car and wooden garage in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing an animal print shoulder wrap. Leon is wearing a trench coat. Both are looking forward and smiling...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an assortment of masks
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an assortment of masks from their African art collection in their Kansas City home. The masks are hung on a sheet hanging on a table leaning against a wall. Orchid is...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with an unidentified man and woman
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing with an unidentified man and woman with an infant and little girl (likely children of the unidentified couple). They are standing in the front lawn of an unidentified...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with their African art collection
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing with items from their African art collection, likely in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing a patterned dress and head wrap. Leon is wearing a patterned robe and head...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with their African art collection
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing with items from their African art collection, likely in Kansas City. Orchid is wearing a patterned dress and head wrap. Leon is wearing a patterned robe and head...
Orchid and Leon Jordan with two unidentified people
Orchid and Leon Jordan standing with two unidentified people in front of a car on an open dirt road in Liberia. Leon is standing in the back on the left and Orchid is standing second from right. All...
Orchid Jordan and an unidentified girl in front of a car
Orchid Jordan standing with an unidentified girl, possibly Lavera Smith, in front of a car on the street in Kansas City. Jordan is standing in front of the girl. Both are looking forward and smiling.
Orchid Jordan and Hendrick Jordense at James Spriggs Payne Airfield
Orchid Jordan and Hendrick Jordense standing in front of a car and plane on an airfield, likely James Spriggs Payne Airfield in Monrovia. Leon Jordan is walking away in the background. Both women are...
Orchid Jordan and Hendrick Jordense with a Jeep
Orchid Jordan and Hendrick Jordense with a Jeep in an open road in Liberia. Orchid is standing behind the car and looking up while smiling. Hendrick is sitting in the driver's seat and leaning out...