A studio photo of Mat wearing a brown suit, white shirt, and a colorful tie with leaf outlines, a carnation boutonniere, and a pocket square.
Memphis Slim
Jazz pianist Memphis Slim's head and shoulders are visible and he does not smile as he holds a microphone across his chest with his right hand and sits at a piano at an unidentified venue. There is a...
Men sit talking around a pool
In a photograph from above, two unidentified African American men sit poolside talking and laughing. Others sit at other spots around the pool.
Men sit together
Several unidentified African American men sit and stand together talking and drinking at a party.
Missouri Baptist Young People's Department of African American Women's Convention
A group photograph of the Missouri Baptist Young People's Department of African American Women's Convention just in front of the porch of Goins Hall on the Western Baptist Seminary campus at 2119...
Myra Taylor sings with the Curtyse Foster Band
Myra Taylor sings with the Curtyse Foster Band at an unidentified venue in Kansas City. Farthest to the left Bunnie "Bumps" Love smiles to her right at the photographer as she sits with her hands on...
Navy sailor
A portrait photograph of an African American male US Naval Officer.
Night of drinking
An unidentified African American woman with her arms around the shoulders of two unidentified, unenthused, African American men, sit at a table while having drinks at an unidentified venue. The table...
Officer standing in the open door of a car
An African American military officer stands inside the open passenger side door of a car wearing his uniform and sunglasses. A forest is behind him.
Ollie Gates
Ollie Gates, son of the founder of Gates Barbecue in Kansas City, Missouri.
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity event
Large group of twenty nine African American people dressed in evening gowns and suits standing behind or crouching beside an Omega Psi Phi (ΩΨΦ) fraternity shield. A stage is behind them with musical...
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity event
Large group of thirty eight African American people dressed in evening gowns and suits standing behind around an Omega Psi Phi (ΩΨΦ) fraternity shield. A stage is behind them with musical instruments...
One looks back
Three unidentified African American men sitting, as one man in a red sweater in front turns to look over his right shoulder at the photographer.
Orchid Jordan sits with a couple on a couch
Orchid Jordan sits on a couch with two unidentified people, one African American man and one African American woman.
Pastor attending graduation
An unidentified African American man, likely a pastor, wears a collar and a three piece suit as he holds his fedora hat in his left hand and a cane in his right, on graduation day, probably at Western...
People sit and listen to a lecture
An African American man speaks to a full auditorium from a podium. Items on a table are to his left. The audience is largely white women and some boys.
Portrait of a man
A studio portrait of unidentified African American man with a mustache and a receding hairline wearing a small bow tie, a high collar, a suit jacket, and pants where the waistline comes high above the...
Portrait of a man
A head shot studio portrait of an unidentified African American man wearing a high collar shirt with a necktie and tie pin, as well as a lapel pin on his suit jacket. He has a handkerchief tucked into...
Portrait of a man and woman
A headshot studio portrait of an unidentified African American man and African American woman. She smiles with her head turned slightly to the left. He looks straight ahead but not at the photographer...
Portrait of a man in a striped suit
A portrait of unidentified African American man sitting on the arm of a wicker chair and looking to his right at the photographer. He holds a hat on his lap with his right hand . He wears a three...
Portrait of a man standing
A studio portrait of unidentified African American man standing with his hands down to his sides. He wears a hat, a suit jacket with sculpted pocket overlays, and a small bow tie. The arms of his...
Portrait of a man wearing glasses and a suit
A studio photo of an unidentified African American man wearing glasses and a suit and tie.
Portrait of a soldier
Profile studio photograph of a soldier named "Milton". Handwritten on the front, "Souvenir. Milton 12-31-44."
Portrait of G.H. Brooks with a cigar
A studio portrait of G.H. Brooks wearing a bowler hat tipped to the right, a bow tie, an overcoat held open on the right by his hand in the pocket of his pants, a buttoned vest with a watch chain...