Man and woman seated at a table
Darnella, and an African American man [possibly Kansas City jazz pianist Bob Wilson?] are seated at a table with a tablecloth, two beverages for each, and a glass ashtray at an unidentified venue. She...
Man and woman sitting by a staircase
An unidentified African American man and African American woman seated near a staircase. The man wears a straw bowler to the side, a Beaufort square collar, and a three-piece suit with a handkerchief...
Man and woman sitting on a bench for a studio photograph with a painted backdrop
A studio portrait of an unidentified African American woman and African American man sitting on a bench with a painted backdrop behind them of mountains and an aqueduct. He has his left arm around her...
Man and woman sitting on a car
An unidentified African American woman leans back on the passenger side fender and an African American man sits on the wheel well of a 1946 Mercury with his legs crossed and his right hand on her left...
Man and woman standing on the porch by a garden
An unidentified African American woman and African American man pose on the steps of a porch with a cylindrical column behind them and a garden to their right.
Man and woman standing while posing for a photograph
A studio portrait of a serious, well-dressed, unidentified African American man and woman standing together.
Man and woman talk in a golf cart
An unidentified African American man and woman sitting in a golf cart talking. Many golf carts are parked haphazardly together while groups mill about talking.
Man and woman wearing graduation caps and gowns
An unidentified African American man and African American woman in graduation caps and gowns stand on the lawn of probably the Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, Missouri. The...
Man crossing his arms as he stands
A studio portrait of unidentified mustachioed African American man standing with his arms crossed.
Man grins as he holds a trophy
An African American man grins as he stands holding a trophy still in its shipping wrapper. Three African American men stand behind him.
Man holding a cornet
A studio portrait of unidentified young African American man holding a cornet in his left hand while standing in front of a ornate metal fireplace guard and beside a wicker chair. He wears a white...
Man in a blue jacket holds his trophy close
An unidentified African American man wearing a blue jacket holds a trophy still in its shipping wrapper close to him..
Man in a burgundy jacket holds a trophy
An unidentified African American man wearing a burgundy jacket holds a trophy still in its shipping wrapper. Several African American men are behind him.
Man in a denim outfit
An unidentified African American man grinning. He's wearing a denim outfit.
Man in a flat cap receives a trophy
Two African American men shake hands, one holding an award wearing a flat cap and another looking at the two from the background. Other African American men are in the background.
Man in a floral shirt stands by the trophies
An unidentified African American man in a floral shirt stands by a table full of trophies still in their shipping wrappers.
Man in a graduation cap, gown, and stole holding a book
An unidentified African American man smiles in a graduation cap, gown, and stole as he stands and holds a book in both hands on the lawn between the sidewalk and building with bushes behind him on...
Man in a green jacket and plaid pants shows off his trophy
An unidentified African American man in a green jacket and plaid paints smiles up towards the photographer as he holds a trophy. Other men are behind him.
Man in a red ball cap holds his trophy out for you to see
An unidentified African American man wearing a red ball cap grins as he holds his trophy, still in its shipping wrapper, up for everyone to see.
Man in a red sweater with a trophy
An unidentified African American man in a red sweater holding an award. Several African American men and a white man are talking in a group behind him.
Man in a white bow tie
A studio head shot portrait of unidentified African American man in a high collar, white bow tie, and dark jacket with a lapel pin. C.A. Goodrich is embossed on the lower right-hand corner.
Man in African attire
A studio portrait of a smiling unidentified African American barefoot man in African attire [real or imagined is unknown by person adding description]. He carries a club up in his right hand and holds...
Man in cap and gown standing on the lawn of the seminary on graduation day
An unidentified African American man stands with an open graduation gown while wearing a cap and stole on graduation day, probably at Western Baptist Seminary, 2119 Tracy Avenue in Kansas City...
Man looks down as he holds a trophy
An unidentified African American man in a red sweater looks down as he holds a trophy still in its shipping wrapper with his right hand.
Man looks to the ceiling as he plays the piano
An unidentified African American man wearing a suit turns to his right and looks up to the ceiling as he sits at the piano and plays with his left hand. A cowbell lays on top of the piano. The piano...